All children and young people experience anxiety, confusion, distress, and anger. Simply living in a family and having friendships are emotional matters.
It's important to remember that experiencing stress or frustration, at ordinary levels, is just as important as achievement and satisfaction. This is why you should be careful when labelling young people with “mental illness” diagnoses when it may just be part of the normal growing-up process.
The good news is that most young people overcome these challenges with the support of family, friends, and professionals. This is through having honest conversations and by developing positive wellbeing, self-regard and coping strategies.
If you do become concerned about a young person’s emotional wellbeing, there is some helpful guidance on our Emotional Coaching & Listening Skills page for opening up the conversation.
The Our Minds Matter - Mental Health Information for Parents and Carers in Fife wakelet has some helpful ideas, information and websites to help you support your children and young people's emotional wellbeing.