If you are worried about a child or young person
Speak to someone as soon as possible and tell them about your concerns.
If you consider a child or young person to be in IMMEDIATE danger then call Police Scotland on 999.
For non-emergency calls, you can call Police Scotland on 101 or the Social Work Contact Centre on 03451 551503 or email sw.enquiries@fife.gov.uk
Out of office hours (9 am to 5 pm) the Emergency Social Work number is 03451 550099.
People arriving from Ukraine - Risk and Need: Public Protection Guidance:
Human Trafficking
The government are launching a new toolkit for First Responders, including local authority officers, to assist in making a referral of a potential victim of human trafficking to the National Referral Mechanism.
The NRM toolkit has been developed as a resource to improve the formal identification of victims through the National Referral Mechanism in Scotland. This will ensure that both professionals and potential victims are clear on the process and possible outcomes of this national pathway to identification and protection. It's been developed by Action Area 1 of the Scottish Government’s Trafficking and Exploitation Strategy and in partnership with First Responder organisations in Scotland. The toolkit has been designed for ease of use and to promote the need for a trauma informed approach to identification and support for all adult and child survivors recovered in Scotland.
Action Area 1 will refresh the toolkit at regular intervals, so we recommend you directly access the toolkit via the Migration Scotland website. If you have any issues with content or external hyperlinks, please contact the Scottish Government Human Trafficking Team at human.trafficking@gov.scot with details.
Child Protection Committee
Our Child Protection Committee is made up of representatives from across the main statutory and voluntary organisations in Fife.
The purpose of the Child Protection Committee is to make sure that local agencies work together to protect children. Working together with the community, we can be assured that all children in our area are protected from harm and given the best possible chance in life.
The Child Protection Committee has a number of sub-groups which take work forward on behalf of the Committee.
National CPC Publications contains reports and key documents published by the Scottish Government, the Care Inspectorate and national organisations such as Child Exploitation and Online Protection Centre, Children 1st and NSPCC.
National CPC Publications
Other Publications
- CPC Improvement Plan 2023-26 (Final)
- Human Trafficking
- Fife Governance on Case Reviews
- Child Protection Committee Annual Report 2020-21
- Child Protection Committee Annual Report 2021-22
- Child Protection Committee Annual Report 2022-23
- CPC Multi-Agency Training Annual Report 2023-24
- CPC Learning and Development Strategy
- Fife CPC Annual Report 2023-24
- Fife CSE Strategy
- Fife Underage Sexual Activity Protocol
- Fife CPC Communications & Engagement Strategy
- CPC Communications & Engagement Strategy