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On Your Doorstep Fife

‘On Your Doorstep Fife’, Fife Health and Social Care Partnership’s community website, holds information about care providers, clubs, organisations, groups, and activities that are locally available in Fife. It’s aimed at individuals who require care and support, family carers, practitioners, care providers, support workers, and health staff as well as members of the public. The website is a helpful source of contact details, information, and how to get involved.

On Your Doorstep Fife -

You will also find information about Self Directed Support (SDS) in Fife.

SDS is a method of arranging support in a tailor-made way so that people, families, and carers can live more independently with an improved quality of life. The aim of SDS is for people to have as much control, choice and flexibility over their own lives and support as they want.

Self-Directed Support -

Useful Links

The following external website links are for other organisations that can also give you general information about Self Directed Support:

Social Work Enquiries
Tel: 03451 55 15 03
Online: Social Work - Contact Us

If you are filling out an online form it would be helpful if you can provide a contact telephone number. This will allow us to contact you sooner if we need any further information to deal with your enquiry as quickly and effectively as possible.