Are you concerned about someone at risk of harm, abuse or neglect?
Follow the Adult Support and Protection Reporting Harm Protocol and complete the Inter-agency Report of Harm Referral Form.
Please note the change of name of the referral form to 'Inter-agency Report of Harm Referral.' This aligns the terminology with the Reporting Harm Protocol and makes distinct a referral related to an adult at risk of harm as described in the Adult Support and Protection (Scotland) Act 2007 from any other concern. This change was agreed by the Adult Support and Protection Committee (ASPC) on 6 February 2017.
- The Adult Support and Protection (Scotland) Act 2007
- Information Sharing Protocol - Practitioner & Manager Guide
- Engagement Escalation Process
- SASPI - Scottish Accord on the sharing of personal information (This document is currently under revision.)
- The Adult Protection Competency Framework
- ASPC Financial Harm Guidance & Information
- ASPC Financial Harm Strategy
- Fife ASPC Learning Review Guidance
- Fife Interagency Procedure Large Scale Investigations
- Aide-mémoire: Reporting Harm, Inquiry & IRD
- Dispute Resolution Protocol
- The Herbert Protocol - The Herbert Protocol gives families and care givers reassurance and help, to keep those they care for safe. It's a system that provides the police with everything they would need to know to search for a vulnerable person if they went missing.
It’s a form that's kept at home, containing important information regarding known routines and habits. It also contains descriptions of friends/relatives and details of others involved with their care. It can be handed to Police so that you do not have to worry about gathering the information during what can be a very stressful time. - Staying Safe and Keeping Well Booklet
- Hoarding and Self-Neglect PP Presentation
- Hoarding and Self-Neglect Easy Read Version
The Adult Protection E-Learning module is being rewritten due to moving platform. This will be made available soon. We apologise for any inconvenience.