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MARAC (domestic abuse)

Multi Agency Risk Assessment Conference (MARAC) is a process to safeguard individuals identified as at risk of serious harm from domestic abuse.

MARAC partners work together to:

  • Safeguard adult and child victims of high-risk domestic abuse;
  • Make links with other public protection arrangements in relation to children, alleged perpetrators, and vulnerable adults;
  • Safeguard agency staff; and
  • Address the behaviour of the alleged perpetrator.

Domestic abuse is a complex crime, where the victim is either currently or was previously, in an intimate relationship with the perpetrator. There are very high incidences of repeat victimisation.

Police record high numbers of repeat domestic abuse incidents every year. An individual incident may not in itself seem terribly serious, but understood as one event in a wider course of abusive conduct, the incident can justify serious concerns and a multiagency response is required.

Every year there are cases of serious domestic assaults, rapes, attempted murder and/or murder in Fife.

In Fife in 2023/24 there were 4543 domestic abuse incidents recorded by Police Scotland. 355 high-risk cases were discussed at MARAC and 203 further cases were referred for specialist domestic abuse support.

Both statutory and third sector organisations are MARAC members:

  • Police Scotland (P Division)
  • Social Work (Adults, Children & Families, Justice)
  • Education
  • NHS Fife
  • Fife Women's Aid
  • Kingdom Abuse Survivors Project
  • Third sector Drug and Alcohol Services