We talk to many people across Fife about proposed service changes and budget decisions. We use groups like parent councils, service groups, the Fife People's Panel and other specialist consultations.
If we’re thinking of changing something that directly affects you, we’ll contact you.
How to get involved:
- Visit our consultation hub - you'll find projects that are taking place in your area, about topics you are interested in. Your views are important and can help shape decisions about the future of Fife.
- Join the People's Panel - for information about the People's Panel and how to join visit Fife People's Panel
- Check out proposals being made. All decisions about council services are made in public. Proposals and papers are available for the public one week before the committee meeting. For council committee dates, review reports and information on how to feedback your comments to your councillor visit committees
- Join or keep in touch with your local community council or tenants and residents’ association or attend meetings and make your voice heard
- Look out for opportunities to join the debate about public sector reform
Petitions are one way that residents of Fife can let us know their concerns.
The petition must be relevant to a matter over which the council has authority or provides a service.
Petitions submitted to the council must include a short statement covering the subject of the petition and state what action the petitioners wish the council to take. The petition should be submitted by one person (the lead petitioner) and be signed by a further 20 or more residents of Fife.
A petition does not replace the work of other procedures, for example:
- matters that have been submitted as part of a formal complaint to the council;
- matters determined by another external body, such as insurance claims, legal matters, or where a statutory right of appeal exists, for example planning refusal, exclusion of pupils from school, valuation appeals (these are examples and should not be considered an exhaustive list). In such cases the appropriate procedure must be followed and cannot be considered as a petition;
- the establishment of community councils - for information or advice on the application process for the establishment of community councils, in the first instance, please contact committee support on the contact details below; and
- matters falling within the Community Empowerment (Scotland) Act.
A petitions submission form and guidance to assist with the completion and submission of a petition are available below.