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Local Living and 20-minute neighbourhoods

As part of work for the second Fife Local Development Plan, we have been looking at how we can apply a local living/20-minute neighbourhood approach. There is a Local Living and 20-minute neighbourhoods StoryMap which gives the background to this work. We also have links to three case studies that we carried out, looking into more detail at access to services and facilities in three parts of Fife. The areas were:

These case studies may be useful as an example of carrying out detailed assessments of the quality of local access to services and facilities.

We have also developed an interactive map, which you'll find below. It maps a range of key everyday services and facilities across Fife. It applies 5 or 10 minute walking and cycling distances to them, so it is possible to get a high level indication of which areas are least well served. Use the layers button at the top right to changes the information on the map.

Please note: the data used in the mapping was as up to date as possible at the start of 2024. Services and facilities are constantly changing, so please keep us informed of any changes made to your community.

How can I get in touch?

Any questions about Local Living or 20-minute neighbourhoods can be sent through by email to