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Invitation to create Local Place Plans

The council is preparing a new Local Development Plan and it will be shaped by the views and aspirations of communities across Fife. The plan will replace the current plan approved in 2017 and will set out planning policies and proposals for the use and development of land across Fife. We aim to adopt the plan in 2026 and it will look ahead for 10 years from then.

Our new Local Development Plan will consider any registered Local Place Plans, to allow communities to have a more direct role in the decisions that influence their place, We're inviting communities to prepare Local Place Plans so that they can play a proactive role in defining the future of their places.

Local Place Plans are community-led plans, setting out proposals for the development and use of land. Once they have been registered by the planning authority, we have a legal responsibility to take them into account in the preparation of the Local Development Plan.

There will be other opportunities to engage with the plan. We will be saying more about these over the summer.

If your community council, or local community group, is thinking about developing a Local Place Plan, and you are in a rural area of Fife, Planning Aid Scotland could help. It's offering dedicated coaching and training to help rural communities in Fife develop their own Local Place Plan.  If you are unsure how to start your project, or are you part-way through your journey but need advice moving forward, you can obtain further information and register at PAS - Rural Fife.

Local Place Plans should be submitted by the end of June 2024, to help fully inform the Local Development Plan.

The Scottish Government has published a Circular (Circular 1/2022: Local Place Plans) which provides guidance for both communities and planning authorities on the preparation, submission and registration of Local Place Plans.

The Circular updates guidance contained within an earlier draft ‘How to Guide’ aimed specifically at communities. It is anticipated that an updated version of the How to Guide will be produced by the Scottish Government.

The main requirements for a LPP are that it must:

  • be prepared by a community council or a community body (as defined by Community Empowerment legislation)
  • be a proposal as to the development or use of land, and
  • fulfil the legal requirements set out in the relevant legislation around (these are explained further within the Circular)

For us to validate and register Local Place Plans submitted to us, they need to comply with the guidance set out in the Circular. We can help advise on the requirements and can provide a checklist, as well as answers to frequently asked questions and links to information and resources. For more information, see our Local Place Plans webpage.

The council cannot prepare communities’ Local Place Plans, but we can help community groups establish themselves. This includes signposting groups to sources of information and practical help. We can also provide further advice on the process and requirements for Local Place Plans in Fife.

Addressing the climate emergency is a priority for the council. Our Climate and Zero Waste team have identified capacity to provide assistance on climate issues for up to two Local Place Plans in Fife over the coming year. If you are interested in finding out more about this, please email either or highlight your interest through the pre-enquiry form below.

You can also check for potential other support available at

If you are considering preparing, or have started preparing a Local Place Plan, we'd love to hear from you. Contact us at and feel free to highlight any issues you are facing, or questions you may have. If you are already in a position to submit a Local Place Plan to us, we can talk you through the submission process.

For more information about the Local Development Plan, please visit our Local Development Plan page or contact us by email at