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Local Place Plans

If your community council, or local community group, is thinking about developing a Local Place Plan, and you are in a rural area of Fife, Planning Aid Scotland could help. It's offering dedicated coaching and training to help rural communities in Fife develop their own Local Place Plan.

If you are unsure how to start your project, or are you part-way through your journey but need advice moving forward, you can obtain further information and register at PAS - Rural Fife.

Local Place Plans have been introduced to encourage communities to be active participants in planning for their futures.

These are plans for local communities that have a focus on development, land use and ‘place-making’ (an all‐inclusive approach to the design, development, regeneration and management of the built environment).

We will keep a register of Local Place Plans as they are prepared in Fife, and make information about them available here so that you can see if there is a Local Place Plan in your area.

We're currently inviting communities to create Local Place Plans. For more information, please visit our Invitation to create Local Place Plans page.

Our Is a LPP right for your community page can help you decide whether a Local Place Plan is right for your community and what alternative options you might want to consider instead.

If you have any questions about Local Place Plans, please contact us at: