School transport
Getting to school
Under your own steam
The healthiest and most fun way for children to get to school is by walking, cycling and scooting. Making more use of active travel options will improve their physical and mental health too.
By bus
Any primary school child who lives more than 1 mile from their catchment school is entitled to free school transport. Secondary pupils get free transport to their catchment school if they live more than two miles away. See below for more details.
Drop off
If you are thinking about using a car to get to/from school remember that parking near schools is strongly discouraged for safety reasons. Look for alternative drop off points, away from the school, where you and your children can walk the remaining distance.
Free public transport
The Scottish Government launched a statutory national concessionary travel scheme on 31 January 2022. This means all children and young people, living in Scotland, are entitled to free bus travel, up to their 22nd birthday. This scheme allows children and young people to travel free on registered bus services, once they get a new or replacement National Entitlement Card (NEC). Details about the scheme and how to apply can be found at Young Persons' Free Bus Travel | Fife Council.
However, children and young people who already have a Council-issued, colour-coded, travel pass must continue to use this on school buses - not their NEC. They must show their Council-issued travel pass to the driver when they board the school bus, as evidence that their journey has already been paid for by the Council. This will give them priority over other pupils, who don't have Council issued bus passes but who may wish to travel on the same bus. They must also use the bus they have been allocated (as shown on their travel pass) to ensure the school buses are evenly loaded. Any child that chooses to use a different bus will have to present a valid NEC or pay a fare and could be refused if the bus is full.
A child that forgets or loses their travel pass can order a replacement, at no charge, from the school office. Temporary travel passes and single use travel vouchers will still be issued by school staff.
Transport entitlement
Approximately 13,000 pupils travel daily to school on transport arranged by Fife Council.
Our policy is to provide transport for:
- primary school children who live more than one mile away, and
- secondary school children who live more than two miles away from their catchment school.
You are only entitled to transport to your catchment school, if you are going to a different school through a placing request you may not be entitled to school transport.
You can check if you will get transport to school, by clicking on one of the four maps.
If you are entitled to travel on a school bus, you will be allocated a bus and issued with a travel pass. Lost or damaged passes should be reported to the school office. Pupils who do not live on a bus route may be entitled to travel by taxi or minibus for all or part of their journey.
All enquiries relating to school transport should be directed to the school office.
Bus service and timetable information can be found on the school website or by visiting Travel Fife
Related Publications
- Information for parents/carers of children and young people who travel to school by bus
- Responsibilities of parents and carers of children and young people who travel to/from school by bus
- Walked Routes to Schools - Assessment Policy
- Guidelines for the School Transport of looked after and accommodated children and young people
- Transport Request Form LAC - 2024-25
- Annual Statement Seatbelts 2024-2025
- Mainstream Primary Transport Request Form
- Transport Request form LAC - 2025-26