Children enrolled in a Fife Council primary school who will move to their catchment secondary in August 2025 will be moved automatically.
Applications for placing requests for S1 open on 9th December 2024 and close at 9am on 17th March 2025.
To enrol in any other year groups or make a placing request outwith S1, please contact the school directly. Secondary school contact details can be found at on our Secondary schools page.
It is customary for children to attend their local school (catchment school). If you don't want your child to attend the local school, there's an option within the online form to select an alternative. This request is referred to as a placing request.
Back To TopYou need to complete the Submit a placing request for an S1 place online form. If you wish to make more than one placing request, you should contact
Back To TopIf you wish to submit a placing request for a place in S2-S6, you need to contact the school you wish to make a placing request for directly. Secondary school contact details can be found at Secondary schools | Fife Council.
Back To TopIf you apply for a placing request for a school outwith your catchment area, we will send out a letter in the post with the outcome of your request before 30th April 2025, as per Fife Council policy.
Back To TopIn normal circumstances, all pupils applying for a place at their catchment school will be guaranteed a place. However, if there's an over-subscription of pupils for the number of S1 places available, the school will get back in touch with these parents.
If you move to a new area after April, you may find that there are no places available in your catchment school. In these circumstances, your child would be placed at another school and go on a waiting list for the catchment school.
Through the online enrolment process, and for other written placing requests, parents/carers should also give any special reasons for making the request using the drop-down menu.
It will be helpful to indicate if your child has additional support needs and what these needs are. Your application will be considered in terms of the legislation established in the Education (Scotland) Act 1980, and the Education (Additional Support for Learning) (Scotland) Act 2004.
If you are considering moving your child at the P7 stage to another primary school, please let your current primary school know your request.
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