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Lochgelly South PS

Lochgelly South Primary School refurbishment is now complete and pupils and staff have been settling in to their newly refurbished building after a £7m investment by Fife Council.

Investigation work prior to installing a new modular unit on the grounds of the school showed a historic mine working beneath the grounds and part of the school, putting the building at risk of subsidence in the future.

Pupils temporarily moved to St Kenneth's primary school after the summer holidays in 2023 and major remedial ground consolidation work, involving drilling and grouting the site, was undertaking to secure the long term future of the school.

The work was undertaken by the council's building services teams, with the help of local contractors, and took a year to complete.

The building was stripped back to bare walls, with rotten timbers and damp plaster being removed throughout the school. After the ground consolidation work was completed, the interior of the building underwent a full refurbishment and modernisation, creating a modern school environment.

Outside, there's with a new modular nursery, multi use games area, a separate play area, fencing, paths, and a revamped car park. The roof and guttering have been repaired and innovative sustainable drainage systems (SUDS) installed, along with fully external painting of the school.

The work and the surrounds

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Lochgelly South PS

St Kenneths PS