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Managing Our School Estate - Legislative documents

Statutory Consultation Proposals

For any change proposal to school catchment areas, school closures or school relocations, or the setting up of brand-new school, the Education Service are required to consult in accordance with the Schools (Consultation) (Scotland) Act 2010.

Maximum Pupil Capacities within Schools

Each school in Fife has a maximum pupil capacity, to ensure the running of the schools is not higher than the legislative class sizes. Local Authorities manage their own method for calculating capacities. Guidance for determining primary school capacities.

Secondary School Capacities report

Core Facts

Information relating to the background can be found in the Core Facts data report.

Condition element

The condition of buildings is assessed through Condition Surveys which review the fabric and services of our buildings. These surveys review a number of elements of the building fabric and assess these elements from A (good) to D (bad), in line with Scottish Government guidelines. Condition Core facts publication

Suitability element 

The suitability of a building assesses its fitness for purpose for its intended use. Again, this is scored from A (good) to D (bad) in line with the Scottish Government guidelines. Suitability core facts publication.

Accessibility Ratings

Accessibility ratings are brought together by the School Estate Team, along with the Education Access Officer, who undertake surveys of all the school buildings. As part of the Accessibility Strategy, there will be a number of accessible schools in each geographical area.

The Accessibility Working Group considers projects requested by schools to enhance the accessibility of the building. They will also help to develop specifications which can be used in new builds or in projects, for example an accessible toilet and changing facility.  The Accessibility Strategy Group sets the strategic direction. The group will consider guidance, policy and, at times, individual requests.

School Admissions Policy

This School admissions policy outlines the steps required to enrol at your primary or secondary school and legislation around placing request application.

Fife Local Development Plan (new housing developments)

The Local Development Plan was adopted on 21st September 2017 by Fife Council, in accordance with the Town & Country Planning (Scotland) Act 1997 as modified by the Planning etc. (Scotland) Act 2006. The plan sets out the planning policies and proposals for the development and use of land across Fife.

Our focus is to work with the development sector, communities and other stakeholders to deliver the plan’s proposals for strategic development, supporting new housing development and the infrastructure for growth. This plan sets out the large strategic development areas (SDA) which will impact on our communities. This impact will create requirement for new primary schools, additional nursery capacity and contributions towards secondary provision. Fife Local Development Plan.