In Scotland, children typically start primary school around their 5th birthday. Primary 1 students are usually aged between four and a half and 5 and a half years old. If a child doesn't start school at the usual August date, it’s called deferred entry.
If your child is turning five by the start of the school year in August, they must begin school then. The only exception is if you choose to home educate. The current 2025/26 academic year has now closed and opens again in December 2025.
If your child’s 5th birthday falls between 21st August 2026 and 28th February 2027, you have the right to defer their entry to Primary 1 until August 2027.
Every child is different. Before you make your decision, it's important to consider:
- how your child feels about starting school
- your child's strengths as a learner
- if having an additional year at nursery would have a positive effect your child
- who can help inform your decision-making
The decision to defer a child's school entry is up to parents, but it's best made with input from those who know your child. We recommend discussing options with your child's ELC provider as soon as possible. If you have questions about the primary school, you can contact the Headteacher directly.
We have provided answers to some FAQs at the bottom of this page to help you with your decision. Additional useful information is also available at: Can my child defer starting school? | Parent Club
How do I apply to defer P1 for my child?
The process is slightly different depending on the type of early years setting they are in.
Children attending a Fife Council nursery or nurture centre
A Request for Deferral application should be completed and handed into your current nursery or nurture centre. Nursery staff will be able to help you. This will allow them to keep their space at their current setting, as part of the normal Fife Council ELC admissions process.
Children attending a private nursery or childminder, in partnership with Fife Council
Parents/carers should check with the nursery/playgroup/childminder their child attends to make sure they can continue with their current placement. If they can, a Request for Deferral application should be completed and given to your provider.
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Primary 1 classes are very well equipped to meet a wide range of needs. We no longer require children to have certain skills to start school. They will be given plenty learning experiences to meet their needs, both academically and emotionally.
It is important not to focus on what your child is not yet able to do. Young children are quick to learn new skills with the right support from their teachers.
Back To TopThe transition from nursery to Primary 1 is a small step. Experiences are active and play is encouraged, to support how young children learn and develop best.
Back To TopIt's always best to discuss what's best for your child and make decisions together. But the final decision to defer is yours, as the parent/carer.
Back To TopIf you have decided to defer your child, you are not required to enrol your child into Primary School. You do, however, need to register your child for Primary School for the year after their deferred year.
If you are still waiting on a decision, you may wish to register your child for entry into Primary 1 as well as completing a deferral form. This means you can keep your options open. You should continue to link closely with your ELC provider and chosen primary school.
Once you have made a final decision about deferral, you should inform both the ELC provider and Primary School as soon as possible about your decision.
Back To TopTo help support your child to make the most positive start you can:
- listen and talk to your child about this change. Use positive language and encourage them to feel excited and ready for the next stage.
- involve your child in getting ready for school by helping choose the things they will need, for example their uniform, lunchbox, schoolbag.
- support school staff in getting to know your child, let them know about interests and health issues.
- keep in touch with the school about anything that may affect your child's learning.
- find out how the school will communicate with you.
- talk to your school if you have questions or concerns.
Parenting across Scotland has further information to support your child starting school.
Back To TopChildren with additional support needs are supported throughout all stages of their education. Their strengths and development needs are planned for and put in place for when they begin Primary 1.
Back To TopEvery child is different. We offer a range of support and developmentally appropriate learning experiences within Primary 1 classes. Some children, however, can benefit from an additional, carefully planned year at nursery.
Back To TopIt is important to consider your child's whole school career when making the decision to defer. In Scotland, young people can leave secondary school at 16. Children who are deferred will be the eldest in their school year. This means they would be able to leave school without sitting any formal qualifications.
Children who attend specialist provision may also be able to leave school without being presented for any formal qualifications.
Back To TopWe would recommend speaking to staff at your nursery. They will be able to alleviate any concerns you may have and give further information about Primary 1.
Back To TopIf you change your mind before your child takes up their deferred placement, we will try to provide a primary school place at your child's catchment school.
Once they've begun their deferred year, we cannot reverse the decision.
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