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Early Learning & Childcare (Applications)

Fife Council has 108 early years establishments which include nurseries, early learning and childcare centres and family nurture centres which offer a range of services.

We also work in partnership with playgroups, private nurseries and childminders. This provides parents with a choice of provision with the ability to access education within the same setting.

Our early years facilities offer more flexible options when it comes to early learning and childcare places. This means more choices for when your child attends nursery. Find your local area nurseries.

The Scottish Government increased the annual entitlement of funded Early Learning & Childcare to 1,140 hours for all 3 and 4-year-olds, as well as eligible 2-year-olds.

As set out in legislation, the funded 1140 hours of ELC are provided free of charge, regardless of which type of setting the hours are being delivered in. This applies to local authority, private, third and childminding settings.

Additional charges to families relating to the funded hours must be optional, and be limited to for example some snacks, the cost of outings or extra-curricular activities. Where families are accessing a mixture of funded and non-funded hours, and optional charges from a setting, it is expected that any costs are presented in a clear and transparent way.

Contact: Early Years Admin Team

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