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Childcare in Fife

The childcare services provided on here are all registered with the Care Inspectorate and their information is updated regularly.

Different childcare services that are available:

Local authority nurseries

These nurseries are run by local councils and provide up to 1140 hours of free early learning education and childcare to children from the age of three until they start school. Children can start earlier, at two years old, if they fit the eligible criteria set by the Scottish Government.

Private nurseries

Private nurseries are run by commercial businesses and organisations. They provide childcare for children from around two months old to school age and opening hours are usually 8.00am to 6.00pm, Monday to Friday.


Childminders are childcare professionals providing home-from-home childcare and early education to small groups of children, varying in age ranges. They also usually offer school or nursery drop off and pick up.


Day care nursery settings where babies and pre-schoolers are looked after by trained professionals during working hours. Some creches offer care for older children.

Out of school clubs

Clubs set up for school age children to play, learn and have fun whilst under the care and supervision of trained childcare workers before and after school.


Playgroups are organised groups, providing care and socialisation for children under five.  They operate for a few hours a day during school term time.  They are usually run by volunteers or charities.

Parent and toddler groups

Parent and toddler groups give parents and children the opportunity to meet up and socialise with one another, in an informal environment. They are usually set up and run by parents and sometimes childminders, with sessions around once a week for a couple of hours. Children get to play and socialise with children of similar ages.

See the available childcare services in Fife:

If you need some more support to cope with the ever rising cost of living, please visit . You'll find information there about Tax Free Childcare and other benefits. To see what else you could be entitled to, check out the Fife Benefits Checker