Cllr. Craig Walker

Leader of the Opposition
Party: Scottish National Party
Ward: Glenrothes West and Kinglassie (Ward 13)
Address: c/o Members Services, Fife House, Glenrothes, KY7 5LT
Telephone: 03451 555555 x 442489
Mobile: 07825 291199
Other Councillors for this Ward:
Committee memberships
- Fife Council
- Appointments Sub-Committee
- Cabinet Committee
- Education Appeal Sub-Committee
- Education Appointment Sub-Committee
- Emergency Sub-Committee
- Glenrothes Area Committee
Register of Interests
p/t support to Shirley Ann Somerville MSP
Other Roles
Election Expenses
Mid Fife & Glenrothes SNP
Houses, Land & Buildings
Shares & Securities
Gifts & Hospitality
Non-Financial Interests
Member - SNP
Council appointee - CoSLA
Council appointee - Fife Partnership Board
Council appointee - Joint Negotiating Consultation Forum
Appointment To External Organisations and Boards
- Convention of Scottish Local Authorities (CoSLA)
- Edinburgh and South East Scotland City Region Deal Elected Member Oversight Committee
- Fife Partnership Board
- Joint Negotiating Consultation Forum (JNCF)
Close Family Members
Latest Update
Further information about the Committees and Councillors can be found in the Politicians and Committees section of our website.