Windmill Campus

This community facility, which incorporates the Viewforth High School, Rosslyn School, Windmill Public Library and Customer Contact Centre, is situated to the North East side of Kirkcaldy. The facility also contains extensive external spaces, including separate playgrounds for the Rosslyn and Viewforth Schools, one floodlit All Weather Sports Pitch, three grass pitches, two long jumps and two throwing circles.
The building has been designed to have a civic presence and reflect the use as a place of learning and a community asset. The layout allows pupils, staff and the public to easily orientate themselves around the building. The plan form and massing also allow for flexible use of the spaces, so that the building can be adapted as required to meet the needs of the school and community.
The building has also been designed to maximise the southerly aspect of the site and take advantage of the fantastic views; the River Forth to the south and the park land setting to the north of the site. A key design strategy for the facility was to allow natural light and ventilation into as many spaces as possible and this has been successfully achieved with the close working partnership of Fife Council Architectural, Mechanical and Electrical design teams.
The project includes a Biomass plant, LED lighting throughout, excellent U-values for the external wall materials and a highly efficient airtight construction. Through the careful planning, specification and implementation of the project the building is currently on target to achieve the ‘Platinum’ standard of Fife Council’s Sustainability Awards Scheme.
Fife Council carried out Project Management, Architectural, Mechanical, Electrical and Civil Engineering roles on this large, complex project, in conjunction with BAM Construction.
In February 2018, it was awarded in the Highly Commended category at the National CIBSE Awards in London.
Location: Kirkcaldy
Value: £26 million
Start Date: July 2014
End Date: July 2016
Main Contractor: BAM Construction Ltd