Housing Extension Programme

The programme consisted of 10 projects, throughout the whole of Fife, over the 12-month contract period. It included refurbishment works to several sheltered housing complexes. The extensions provided additional/specialised accommodation for Fife Council tenants who have special needs or have problems with severe overcrowding.
The works comprised a mixture of single and two storey extensions to provide the extra space/facilities required, for example, additional bedrooms or walk in wet floor shower rooms. The works also included internal alterations to the existing properties, for example, re-wiring, new heating systems and general improvements to the existing buildings.
The programme consisted of 4 single storey extensions, 5 two storey extensions, and 1 Two into One conversion.
Location: Fife-wide
Value: £2 million
Start Date: April 2016
End Date: March 2017
Main Contractor: Fife Council Building Services