Housing Component Replacement Programme

The Housing Component Replacement Programme is carried out to ensure that Fife Council housing stock complies with the Scottish Housing Quality Standard (SHQS). It's part of a rolling programme of works identified by Housing Services Database for 30,000 Council properties. The main criteria are that the properties are free from serious disrepair, energy efficient, provide modern facilities and services and are healthy, safe and secure.
The 206/2017 Component Replacement Programme consisted of the following key areas of improvement:
- replacement roofs
- roughcasting
- new door entry systems
- replacement doors and windows
- new heating installations
- replacement bathrooms and showers
- replacement kitchens
- rewiring
- replacement mains boards
- fire detection installations
The works upgraded over 5000 properties, over the 12-month contract period, with some properties benefiting from more than one element of the works.
Location: Fife-wide
Value: £29 million
Start Date: April 2016
End Date: March 2017
Main Contractor: Fife Council, Building Services