As a tenant, you have various obligations set out in your lease. Please make sure that you have read and understood the lease. Information on a tenant’s typical responsibilities is provided in the Tenants Guide.
Rent queries
If you require information relating to rental payments or accounts, please contact us at
If you have difficulty making payments, please contact us at to discuss options.
A requirement of your lease is that all buildings must be insured. Leases with Fife Council require the landlord to insure the building and the tenant to reimburse the premium.
Tenants have a choice of two policies.
Limited Perils summary of cover
It is recommended that the All Risks cover is selected. If neither policy is selected, then the subjects may be insured under the All Risks policy. Our selection of this policy is not guaranteed. Please note that the tenant’s repairing responsibilities include making good damage resulting from an uninsured risk. Please see your lease for a detailed explanation of your repairing responsibilities. If you have any questions about the terms of your lease, please seek your own legal advice.
If you have any queries regarding the insurance cover provided or the premium charged, please contact us at