Estates Team
The Estates team is responsible for a variety of property matters. These include the management of Fife Council’s non-domestic property assets. Activities include:
- Arranging asset valuations for all properties owned by the Council
- Ensuring a correct rates assessment of all the Council-owned properties
- Purchasing and selling Council properties and land
- Managing the leasing of properties owned by the Council and properties we lease from others
- Maintaining records of Council ownership
For further information, click on the links above.
Council housing information is available on our Housing pages.
Except for the golf Open Championship and Lammas Market in St Andrews and the Kirkcaldy Links Market, events are dealt with by the Events Team, who may be contacted by email, Further information is available on our Planning an event page.
Best Value
The Council has a statutory duty to obtain Best Value for all transactions: Local Government in Scotland Act 2003
In some cases, this may permit a property to be leased or sold at less than Market Value (Clause 11).
The Council must be able to demonstrate that the benefit arising justifies any discount. You may require the support of another Council Service to assess and compare the benefit against the discount sought.
Support for community groups and non-professional sports clubs
Community organisations seeking concessionary terms should apply through the Community asset transfer process: Community asset transfer | Fife Council to purchase or lease property. This is the route for an eligible community group to apply to buy Council property on concessionary terms.
Alternatively, community groups and sports clubs may be eligible to apply for a subsidised lease under the Council’s Subsidised lease policy
For further information Community Group Support and Funding
Support for Businesses
Information to assist businesses including available property at: Support for Businesses | Fife Council
Sources of available property may be obtained from Available Property | Fife Council