Fife Council is structured into five main directorates, each led by an Executive Director:
Ken Gourlay
Chief Executive
Fife House
North Street
The Chief Executive, Ken Gourlay, is the most senior paid position in the council, leading a staff of 17,500. He has ultimate responsibility for the council delivering over 500 key services to the people of Fife and managing our annual revenue and capital budget of over £1 billion.
The education of our children, looking after our environment, creating jobs, providing housing, keeping communities safe, supporting Fife’s vulnerable residents and providing sport and leisure opportunities – these and all other council services contribute to us enjoying a better quality of life. And it’s the Chief Executive’s job to continually improve how these services are provided within the budget approved by the Council. The Chief Executive is also the lead officer in the event of any major emergency.
Key facts about the council's top job:
- Salary
The salary for the Chief Executive post is currently £162,258. All Scottish Chief Executives in local government have salaries set nationally through COSLA. - Performance review All employees, including the Chief Executive go through regular performance reviews. For the Chief Executive these meetings are with the Council Leader and Depute Leader. The Chief Executive also chooses to share his own improvement objectives with his management team of five Executive Directors.
- Expenses
The Chief Executive is able to reclaim some business related expenses. This includes for example out-of-pocket expenses for travelling to and from meetings to represent the Council’s interests. - Restrictions By law the Chief Executive and all senior Council employees cannot take part in any party political activity. Their job means that they have to advise councillors objectively and professionally no matter what political party a councillor belongs to.
- Annual Leave The Chief Executive receives 27 days per annum. As with all employees, there are also twelve public holidays, eight of these are designated by the Council and four are flexible.
- Pension
As with all Council employees, the Chief Executive has the opportunity to be a member of the Local Government Pension Scheme. This is a contributory scheme which means that employees contribute between 5.5% to 10.8% of their salary and the Council contributes 17.6%. The Council contributes the same percentage amount for all employees regardless of their role.
Michael Enston
Executive Director Communities
Fife House
North Street
The Communities Directorate brings together a range of services which deliver directly to/with communities and works to improve our local connections to provide an increasingly responsive, coordinated public service with and for our residents.
How do we do this?
Children, Families and Justice - Enhancing opportunities for our most vulnerable groups and individuals - protecting our most vulnerable children, families, and service users but also enhancing opportunities to improve their whole life outcomes and seek to secure positive outcomes.
Communities and Neighbourhoods - Functions whose focus is on community development and engagement, voluntary sector support, community planning, performance management and improvement, local coordination and policy, plus project support for key strategies including anti-poverty, health and wellbeing, safer communities and community learning.
Customer and Online Services Improvement - Delivers the council's customer strategy, bringing together areas of customer contact, scheduling and assessment of need. It comprises the Contact Centre, Customer Service Centres, Registration, Escalation & Resolution, Information Management & Requests, Online Services, and Financial Wellbeing & Revenues.
Housing Services - Managing the council’s housing stock, housing access including homelessness services and housing development.
Fife Sports & Leisure Trust - Fife Sports and Leisure Trust, established on 1 April 2008, manages twelve sports and leisure facilities across Fife on behalf of Fife Council.
Back To TopDonald Macleod
Executive Director, Education
Fife House
North Street
Fife’s Education and Children’s Directorate is the second largest in Scotland. We provide high quality education and social work services to children, young people and families and in relation to criminal justice.
Our vision is to improve life chances for all
The Education and Children’s Services Directorate plays a key role in taking forward the wider aims of the council by:
- Raising attainment and achievement
- Ensuring inclusion and making a positive difference in our communities
- Improving the learning environment
- Supporting and protecting the most vulnerable
Our approach is founded on the values of:
- Compassion
- Ambition
- Respect
- Equity
Our priorities are to improve:
- Educational Outcomes– raising attainment, literacy, numeracy levels etc.
- Employability Skills– raising overall achievement, including skills for work and life in the community.
- Equality and Equity– reducing inequalities and seeking to break the cycle of social disadvantage. Our interventions need to be as early as possible and then sustained.
- Enhancing opportunities for our most vulnerable groups and individuals - protecting our most vulnerable children, families, and service users but also enhancing opportunities to improve their whole life outcomes and seek to secure positive outcomes and destinations for learners.
Our commitment in practice:
We will attract and recruit the most effective practitioners; and we will develop their professional learning and practice.
We will develop effective partnerships and integrate services in a child and family-centred way.
We will focus our efforts on prevention, early intervention to break the cycle of disadvantage and protect the vulnerable.
We will be relentless in our focus on improving outcomes for all.
Back To TopCarol Connolly
Executive Director, Place
Fife House
North Street
The Enterprise and Environment Directorate brings together services who are working to create a brighter future for Fife - looking after our buildings and assets, developing a strong economy, preserving our environment and helping us get around easily and safely. The Directorate comprises the following Services:
Business and Employability Services
- Service Manager - Place Programmes & Policies: Morag Millar
- Service Manager - Economic Development: Pamela Stevenson
- Service Manager - Employability & Employer Engagement: Kirsty Martin
Business & Employability Services are responsible for developing initiatives to promote economic growth, enhance employability and supporting local businesses by:
- Driving change in Fife’s economy over the short, medium and long term through developing strategies to grow the local economy, and short-term actions to deliver immediate economic “wins”. This includes capital projects, inward investment support, and sector initiatives including promoting and supporting tourism.
- Providing advice to small and growing Fife businesses through the management of Fife’s Business Gateway contract.
- Supporting employability initiatives to help clients in disadvantaged groups and local communities into jobs, particularly targeting young people and the long term unemployed.
- Fife’s built and natural heritage, urban design and has a key role in helping regenerate Fife’s town centres.
- Management of Fife’s engagement in regional partnerships, City Region Deals and associated strategic growth projects.
Environment and Building Services
Head of Service: John Rodigan
This diverse service is responsible for managing and maintaining the environmental assets through:
- Grounds Maintenance Service - responsible for delivering high-quality environments by providing well-managed and carefully maintained parks, streets and open spaces.
- Building Services - responsible for providing 24-hour repair service to all Fife Council tenants. The council is committed to providing affordable high-quality housing by delivering maintenance and construction development services through a best-value partnership with Property Service.
- Waste Operations - responsible for all household waste collection services as well as street cleansing services ensuring streets and public places are free from litter and fly-tipping.
- Fleet Services - responsible for the management and maintenance of the council's vast range of vehicles, plants and equipment.
Facilities Management
Head of Service: Tariq Ditta
Facilities Management Service provides a range of services that supports the day-to-day functioning of buildings through:
- Building cleaning service – responsible for providing cleaning services in council properties including schools, corporate offices, libraries, theatres, public conveniences, residential care homes and daycare centres. There is also a team covering emergency and specialist cleaning and minor repairs.
- Janitorial service – provides building security, maintenance and caretaking provision including a School Crossing Patrol service at education buildings throughout Fife
- Catering services – provides 5 million school meals a year, commercial and staff catering including vending services and function catering. Also supports communities with free school meals during school closures.
- Social work support - catering for residential care homes, Meals on Wheels and day care services.
- Facilities management of main council buildings - providing reception, caretaking and property services in our largest buildings.
Head of Service: Pam Ewen
Planning Services plays a crucial role in shaping Fife’s places through sustainable development, addressing climate emergency and assisting in growing Fife’s economy. The Service leads on a range of place-based plans and strategies, projects and assessing planning applications:
- Policy and Place – leads the Local Development Plan, the spatial strategy of Plan4Fife, and related planning policy. Supports place-based solutions with key stakeholders.
- Climate Change and Zero Waste Team - dedicated team addressing climate change by promoting sustainability initiatives and developing strategies i.e. to reduce carbon emissions, raise awareness and encourage sustainable practices.
- Development Management - reviewing planning applications and permissions, enforcements and making decisions on local policies through its statutory duties through 2,200+ planning applications p.a.
- Conservation and Heritage – protection of Fife’s build heritage and natural environment, preserving and providing guidance on conservation practices.
- Strategic Development – reviewing and working in partnership with key stakeholders to assist delivery of Fife’s nine Strategic Growth Areas with a projected £3 billion investment over the next 20 years. Working through ESES City Region Deal to deliver strategic transport interventions.
- Transportation – reviewing development proposals and Road Construction Consents.
Property Services
Head of Service: Alan Paul
Property Services manages and maintains the council’s property portfolio ensuring buildings are safe, well-maintained and fit for purpose through the following teams:
- Asset management - coordinates the council’s approach to the strategic management of buildings and properties.
- Estates - provides information and property advice to council services including valuations (assets, rating and capital), acquisitions and disposals, leases, wayleaves, licences/concessions and any other general property advice.
- PPP compliance – the interface between the Council and the PPP/ DBFM Contractors for PPP/ Hub projects. The PPP Compliance Team monitors all aspects of the Contractors’ performance.
- Professional services - provide a project management service to council services and external partners, including construction design, financial management, project administration, quality assurance and PPP contract monitoring.
- Programme office - provides programme development, technical administration, health & safety advice and building management services. This includes preparing a planned maintenance programme, administrating service contracts, instructing all electrical, heating and ventilation repairs, hard wiring inspections and portable appliance testing (PAT).
- Bereavement Services – provide a quality service that meets the needs of our customers.
Protective Services
Head of Service: Nigel Kerr
Protective Services aims to safeguard the community by promoting public safety and ensuring compliance with regulations through:
- Trading Standards – protects customers and businesses by undertaking premises inspection, fair trading investigations, consumer protection, business advice, product safety, petroleum and explosives regulation, age-related sales, scams and doorstep crime and Trusted Trader.
- Environmental Health – undertakes food hygiene inspections, food and water sampling, food complaints, foodborne illness, health and safety, waste duty of care activities, noise regulation, housing regulation, nuisance control, animal health and welfare, air quality, contaminated land, licensing standards, consumer education and business advice.
- Building Standards – manage building warrant applications and completion certificate submissions, dangerous buildings, ensure access and facilities are provided for people with disabilities, further the conservation of fuel, power and further the achievement of sustainable development.
Roads and Transportation Services
Head of Service: John Mitchell
Roads and Transportation Services deliver the management and maintenance of the roads network and transportation infrastructure throughout Fife through:
- Asset Management and Commercial - responsible for roads and lighting asset management, policy and resources and operational and commercial management.
- Roads Design and Build - provide an in-house design and construction service delivering annual road programme improvement projects.
- Passenger Transport - manage most aspects of travelling by public transport in Fife. The team manage and coordinates the activities and functions of passenger transport to deliver an effective and integrated approach to meeting our customers' needs. There are 4 teams each with a Fife-wide remit:
- Bus Network & Stations
- School Transport
- Demand Responsive Service
- Accessible Transport and Concessions
- Roads and Lighting Contracts - responsible for the feasibility, design, procurement and site supervision of key capital projects. This includes externally delivered Area Roads Programme (ARP) carriageway resurfacing and street lighting projects.
- Roads Maintenance - to deliver a high quality, consistent and focused service for roads and lighting maintenance repairs to meet customer standards. We also cover the coordination of the winter maintenance service and 24/7 roads and lighting emergency response.
- Roads Network Management - responsible for network condition, network management and traffic management.
- Structural Services - responsible for bridges, structures, flooding, shoreline and harbours.
- Sustainable Transport and Parking - responsible for climate change and partnerships (including the development of the electric vehicle network and efficient movement of freight); transport planning; car parking strategy and operations; road safety; travel planning; sustainable travel; and the Levenmouth Reconnected Programme.
Eileen Rowand
Executive Director of Finance and Corporate Services
Fife House
North Street
The Executive Director, as a member of the Council's Management Team, is accountable for the overall strategic leadership and management of the Finance and Corporate Services functions. This includes the further integration and development of these services to meet the needs of service users and communities, ensuring that the corporate objectives and policies of the Council are reflected in the services provided, methods of delivery and responsiveness to local needs.
The functions within the Directorate are Finance, Revenue & Commercial Services, Assessors, Human Resources, Legal Services, Democratic Services and Business Technology Solutions.
In addition the Executive Director has the Lead responsibility for the corporate priority - Efficiency and Risk Management. The identification of this as a key priority for the Council reinforces the importance of risk management across the Council both to improve service delivery and strengthen democratic processes and the importance of efficiency as the Council faces continuing and prolonged financial pressures.
Find out more about Fife Council's Budget and Finances.
Finance & Corporate Services Directorate
With over 2,000 people, across 8 professional areas, in around 120 roles, Finance & Corporate Services is a large and exciting Directorate to work in. At the heart of this diverse directorate is delivery of consistent, quality support based on professional expertise and commitment to excellence.
Eileen Rowand is the Executive Director Finance & Corporate Services, and each Service within the directorate is led by a Head of Service. This Directorate Management Team ensures our ambitions for Fife and for our workforce are delivered and managed in a way that supports our workforce, enables new ways of working, makes the most of technology and helps makes the best use of our finances.
Finance Services
Elaine Muir, Head of Finance
The Finance Service provides financial advice and information to Services and Committees of the Council. Key functions include financial planning, accounting, business analysis, treasury management, investment, taxation, risk management, internal audit and ensuring we focus our finances well in these challenging times.
Revenue & Commercial Services
Les Robertson, Head of Revenue & Commercial Services
There are 4 distinct functional areas within Revenue and Shared Services: Revenue Services collects all income due to Fife Council as well as administration of Benefits and other financial assessments; Business Support provides effective administrative support through the coordination of resources and opportunities for self-service, Procurement Service provides a professional, centrally coordinated purchasing service for the Council and the Transaction Team provides recruitment, payroll, pension, accounts processing and internal shared service desk.
Human Resources Service
Sharon McKenzie, Head of Human Resources
The Human Resources Service (HR) provides strategic workforce advice and information to the Administration, Committees and Services of the Council. In addition HR enables managers to manage and support their staff, through a range of employment policies, guidance and provision, including business partnering services, resourcing, change management, learning and development and health and safety. The Service ensures effective support to our managers and staff by working in partnership with the recognised Trade Unions.
Legal & Democratic Services
Lindsay Thomson, Head of Legal & Democratic Services
Legal & Democratic Services provides a comprehensive in-house legal service which can be supplemented with external support as required. The main functions undertaken include - acquisition, disposal and leasing of property; drafting and interpretation of contracts; provision of advice and legal support relating to all of the Council’s statutory functions and in particular the Council’s role as Education, Social Work and Planning Authority. The team also represents the Council at court, employment tribunals and planning inquiries. Legal & Democratic Services also has responsibility for licensing and regulatory functions (e.g. liquor and taxi licences).
Legal & Democratic Services also provides advice on standards and governance to support the Council’s decision making and scrutiny functions. In addition, the Service manages the Electoral Registration Service and all elections, and provides support and assistance to elected members.
Business Technology Solutions (BTS)
Charlie Anderson, Head of ICT
BTS’ role is to ensure that we make the most of technology and digital opportunities. This means operating and delivering the Council’s ICT infrastructure and systems, ensuring security, compliance, availability and continuity. It also means designing, recommending and delivering new technology and digital solutions to meet the diverse needs of Council services and Fife citizens.
Assessor Service
Heather Honeyman, Assessor
The Assessor Service undertakes statutory valuations of domestic and non-domestic properties across Fife for local taxation purposes. Although reporting to the Executive Director Finance & Corporate Services, the Assessor carries out an independent, statutory function.
Back To TopLynne Garvey
Health and Social Care
Fife House
North Street
Health and Social Care are responsible for arranging social care services for people and communities in Fife. Every day, we make a difference to people's lives at times of personal or family need. Over 23,000 people received a service at some time in the last year. Users of services are of all ages and from all parts of the community.
The Service seeks to provide the necessary support for people to remain in their own home and community, it protects and supports children, older people and adults and helps offenders to change their offending behaviour.
Social Work is a large and complex organisation carrying out a variety of duties and tasks. Much of the work we do is governed by legislation. Overall responsibility for all aspects of the Service lies with the Director of Health and Social Care who reports to the Chief Executives of both Fife Council and NHS Fife.
You can find out more about the range of services we offer on the Health and Social Care pages.
Find out more about the Fife Health & Social Care Partnership itself on the Fife HSCP website.
Back To TopThe Executive Directors join the Chief Executive to form the Council Executive Team (CET). Together they are responsible or translating the council’s policies and plans into action.
They lead and encourage staff to develop services and improve delivery for the people of Fife.
Meeting every week, the CET regularly develop new policy, review and challenge performance, lead on service improvements and develop partnership opportunities to help us deliver as effectively as possible.
They monitor our use of resources and make sure the council stays on track both in terms of our priorities and our spending.
In additional to their responsibilities for the services they lead, executive directors each have an overall role as champion for a key policy area, such as health or sustainability. Together, they and the Chief Executive constitute the corporate management of the council.
Fife Council Service Structure
- Chief Executive
- Education
- Enterprise and Environment (Place)
- Business & Employability Services
- Building Services
- Facilities Management
- Planning Service
- Property Services
- Protective Services
- Roads & Transportation
- Finance and Corporate Services
- Assessor
- Business Technology Solutions
- Financial Services
- Human Resources
- Legal & Democratic Services
- Revenue & Commercial Services
- Communities
- Children, Families & Justice
- Communities & Neighbourhoods
- Customer & Online Services
- Change & Improvement
- Housing Services
- Policy & Communications
- Fife Golf Trust
- Fife Sports & Leisure Trust
- Fife Cultural Trust
- Health and Social Care (delivered through the Health & Social Care Partnership)
- Adult Services
- Older People's Services
- Social Work Resources Service
For more information on each service, and to contact the appropriate team, please visit the relevant sections of our website.