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Community group support and funding - Your area

Local Community Plan

For the first time in Fife, we have one plan for the future of public services - our vision for Fife for the next ten years. This is called the Plan for Fife.

To find out more about the Plan for Fife, click on the link below.

Plan for Fife

Fife Council has also established 7 areas in Fife, each with its own Area Committee consisting of all the local councillors in that area and each with its own Local Community Plan (LCP).

Click on the link below to learn more about Local Community Planning in Fife, and to learn more about what's happening in each of the 7 areas of Fife.

Local Community Planning

Health and Social Care Locality and Cluster Plans

In Fife, the decision was taken to mirror the existing seven Local Community Planning areas for these Locality and Cluster Plans. Seven local roadshows are currently underway to inform future priorities and plans. Links between Health and Social Care and Community Planning will be built on at a local level and, wherever appropriate, shared outcomes will be agreed upon.

Each locality will have a separate Health & Social Care Locality Group as a specialist group; members will include –

  • GP lead & their associated Primary Care staff
  • Service users/ carers
  • Member of the IJB
  • Senior managers with responsibility for services (H&SCP)
  • Health & Social work staff employed by H&SCP
  • Third sector reps
  • Independent sector reps
  • Local authority representatives (including Housing)
  • Scottish Fire and Rescue Service
  • Scottish Ambulance Service

Each locality will prepare a Locality & Cluster Plan for health & social care integration, which will set out arrangements for carrying out integration functions and will form part of the IJB’s Strategic Plan. Any issues related to health and social care should generally be remitted by the Community Planning Partnership (CPP) to the H&SC Strategic Planning Group. In turn, the H&SC Locality group may also remit wider issues to the Community Planning Partnership.

Click on this link to find your Health and Social Care Locality and Cluster Plans.