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Fife Rural Development Fund

Applications are open again for the community-led local development (CLLD) fund. Funded by the Scottish Government,the Fife Rural Development Fund (FRDF) is inviting expressions of interest from community organisations and local charities in rural Fife, who deliver services to those who live in rural Fife.

All projects must be completed, and funds spent by 28 February 2025. Due to the tight timescale, the deadline for Expressions of Interest is 30th June 2024. Funds are available for capital spend, with a small amount also available for revenue costs. There may be a second round of funding which will all be allocated to revenue spend, but this will be confirmed in due course.

Community Grants (up to £25,000 and on average £15,000)

These are open to constituted voluntary groups, organisations, registered small businesses (including sole traders), registered charities, and trusts. The projects must meet at least one of four priority themes:

  1. Promoting access to employment and opportunities
  2. Skills development and youth activity for children and young people
  3. Activities that encourage the creation of a resilient local economy (e.g. nature restoration, agri-tourism)
  4. Rural community capacity building

Decisions on funding will be made by the Fife Local Action Group (LAG) which has extensive experience in the administration and delivery of projects in rural areas across Fife. If your expression of interest is successful, you will be emailed a link to the full application form.

The LAG is a group of members representing various agencies, public sector, small businesses and voluntary organisations across Fife and who previously held decision-making responsibility for the European programme of funding for rural projects, LEADER

Expression of Interest

If you have any projects which meet the above criteria, please fill in the Expression of Interest Form

More information

If you have any questions please email: