Click on the headings below to expand each section and see more info about it.
Community £2 for £1 Rural Halls Fundraising Grant Scheme
This scheme encourages Village and Community Hall Committees to introduce and develop a fundraising programme to generate funds for planned annual projects, e.g. equipment purchase and small to medium improvements to their rural hall.
Note: Grants are discretionary and only one application will be considered from group in any financial year (1 April to 31 March).
Eligible Work
Applications will only be considered where pieces of work can be identified, e.g. small to medium improvements to the hall, purchase of kitchen equipment, etc. (see list below):
- flooring work
- tiling work to kitchen and toilet areas
- sound system including speakers
- protection covers for lights in main hall
- heating/ventilation system/de-humidification upgrading
- insulation work
- purchase of cooker/oven
- purchase of crockery and kitchen utensils
- replacement toilet units
- installation of a new water heater
This scheme is not intended to supplement the Annual Recurring Grant and is not to assist with running costs.
Your organisation must be properly constituted with an elected Management Committee, with responsibility for the maintenance and operation of the hall.
Membership of the organisation/group must be open, and your organisation should demonstrate a commitment to developing an equal opportunities policy.
Applications to this scheme cannot be made by a Management Committee, if they still have to claim the previous year’s £2 for £1 Fundraising Grant Award.
Important: Grant awards will not be made in retrospect.
Management Committees must apply for financial support before arranging any work or any purchases.
Invoices dated prior to the council's advisory letter (confirming the Grant Award) will not be accepted.
Calculation of Award
For every £1 fundraised (not donated), we will match £2, up to a maximum of £780. The calculation will be done on a pro rata basis, for example:
- invoices/receipts submitted by Hall Management Committee = £1,170
- calculation made is £1,170 / 3 = £390 x 2 = £780 (maximum award)
- invoices/receipts submitted by Hall Management Committee = £750.00
- calculation made is £750 / 3 = £250 x 2 = £500 *
*This would release part payment of the maximum grant award of £780.00 and a balance of £280.00 could still be claimed.
To claim this balance, invoices/receipts would have to be submitted to the value of £420, e.g. £420 / 3 = £140 x 2 = £280
Payment of Award
The grant will be released when a copy of the invoices/receipts for minor repair work or purchase of equipment are sent into this office.
Submitting an Application
Applications must be returned with the following, where appropriate:
- a copy of your organisation's constitution, if not previously submitted
- a copy of your organisation's independently examined / audited accounts for the last 2 years, signed and dated by the Treasurer and Independent Examiner
Please note: you will be allowed 2 consecutive awards, then a rest year will be expected before you can reapply.
For more information on the Community £2 for £1 Fundraising Grant Scheme, contact Mandy Rossiter on 01592 583334 or
Completed forms should be emailed to or sent to the following postal address, for assessment and processing:
Community Grants,
Community Investment Team
Fife Council Communities & Neighbourhoods
Fife House (F3 Main)
North Street
Grants of up to £20,000 for Community Integration and Local Delivery of Services.
The Armed Forces Covenant sets out the relationship between the nation, the government, and the armed forces. It recognises that the whole nation has a moral obligation to current and former members of the armed forces and their families, and it sets out how they should expect to be treated.
The Covenant Fund has £10 million each year to support the Armed Forces Covenant by funding projects which address specific priorities.
For more information, visit the link below:
Back To TopOut of School Childcare Grant
The Out of School Childcare Grant assistance is up to a maximum of £2000. The grant is available to constituted, non-profit distributing voluntary groups or organisations that develop and provide a registered out of school childcare service. Organisations are expected to demonstrate that they are moving towards financial stability independent of grants from Fife Childcare Services. The Grant is available to support running costs i.e. rent and staff wages etc.
Specific conditions
The organisation must have a clear management structure i.e. a management committee who have been democratically elected and a constitution or a set of organisation rules apply and registered with the Care Inspectorate.
In awarding the grant Fife Council will take into consideration the scale of the project, the organisations business plan, and the demand for services in the local area.
A request for an Out of School Childcare Grant must be supported by the relevant application forms and accompanied by a Business Plan to the satisfaction of Fife Council. The Business Plan should contain details of the organisation/business structure, local market, competition and management structure.
Financial forecasts for at least one year consisting of detailed cash flows, profit and loss accounts and balance sheet. In addition, they should also submit their business accounts for the previous two years and their latest management accounts.
For further information and an application form contact: Sandra Lawrie, Business Development Officer, Fife Childcare Services on 03451 55 55 55 Ext 442136 or Email:
Out of School Transport Grant
The Transport Grant is to assist Out of School Clubs to meet the costs of transport and escort duties incurred whilst transporting children from the school to the Out of School Care Club, a maximum of £4000. Organisations are expected to demonstrate that they are moving towards financial stability independent of grants from Fife Childcare Services.
Please Note – Transport Grant application will be reviewed individually and, in some cases, may not be eligible for the full amount requested.
Specific Conditions
The Transport Grant is available to constituted, non-profit distributing voluntary groups or organisations that provides a registered Out of School Childcare service. The organisation must operate a Transport policy acceptable to Fife Council.
Any Sub Contractors must have the appropriate operator’s licence acceptable to Fife Council and all drivers must have undertaken an enhanced Disclosure Scotland check.
The organisation must supply copies of all invoices relating to their transport including those of the Sub Contractor and need must be demonstrated within the organisations Business Plan or supporting organisation.
For further information and an application form contact: Sandra Lawrie, Business Development Officer, Fife Childcare Services on 03451 55 55 55 Ext 442136 or Email:
NB: Community Councils are not eligible for Childcare Grants.
Back To TopA number of towns in Fife have a Common Good Fund which can be used for the benefit of the inhabitants of that town. The following Common Good Funds are administered by the Council:
- Levenmouth Area - Buckhaven & Methil and Leven
- Glenrothes Area - Leslie and Markinch
- Kirkcaldy Area - Kirkcaldy including Dysart, Burntisland, and Kinghorn
- North East Fife Area - Anstruther, Crail, Cupar, Elie & Earlsferry, Falkland, Newburgh, Pittenweem, St Andrews, and St Monans
- South and West Area - Consolidated Fund covering Dunfermline, Culross, Inverkeithing, Rosyth.
The level of funds available varies significantly between the different Common Good Funds.
For further information contact:
North East Fife Area
Nicola-Jane Whyte
County Buildings
St Catherine Street
KY15 4TA
03451 55 55 55 + Ext 473479 (Direct Line)
email -
Frances Arbuckle
County Buildings
St Catherine Street
KY15 4TA
03451 55 55 55 + Ext 442379 (Direct Line)
email -
South and West Area
Tessa Ramsay
Inverkeithing Civic Centre
10 Queen Street
KY11 1PA
Tel: 03451 555 555 + Ext 402734 (Direct Line)
email -
Central Area
Janet Land
5th Floor West
Fife House
North Street
Tel: 03451 555 555 + Ext 444156 (Direct Line)
email -
Levenmouth Area
Kenny Imrie
Buckhaven Burgh Chambers
1 College Street
Tel: 03451 555 555 + Ext 443080 (Direct Line)
email -
Kirkcaldy Area
Support Officer
First Floor
Town House
2 Wemyssfield
Tel: 03451 555 555 + Ext 470083 (Direct Line)
email -
Cowdenbeath Area
Morag Paterson
Brunton House
High Street
Tel: 03451 555 555 + Ext 471045 (Direct Line)
email -
Dunfermline Area
Linsey Duffy
New City House
1 Edgar Street
KY12 7EP
Tel: 03451 555 555 + Ext 490018 (Direct Line)
email -
Our Culture Grants scheme aims to encourage and support creativity in local communities and will support activities in the following areas:
- literature (includes writing, books, storytelling, readings, publishing)
- performance (includes theatre, performance, drama, music and dance)
- heritage (includes museums, libraries, archives and history)
- audio-visual (includes film and video, radio, new media)
- visual arts/crafts (includes art, painting, sculpture, crafts, design, fashion and architecture)
Note: grants are discretionary and only one application will be considered from any individual or group in any financial year (1 April to 31 March).
Who can apply?
Individuals -
£50 to £150 is available to individuals of any age, who live in Fife:
- to take part in new cultural experiences and to make the most of the cultural opportunities on offer
- who want to develop their creative talent and skills, such seeking support to help you attend a short course or conference, taking lessons in something you’re good at, purchasing equipment, or researching local history
These grants are for you to do things you would not otherwise be able to do. We will expect you to tell us how your grant helped you develop your creativity and knowledge.
Parents and guardians can apply on behalf of children in their care up to 18 years old.
Groups -
£100 to £500 are available for groups in Fife:
- to start or develop creative activities within the group
- to add to your group’s experience if you already have artistic or cultural aims
- to organise a cultural experience for group members
For example: groups could pay a tutor to lead an experimental activity, buy materials, organise a visit to a performance, put on a film screening or create an archive.
Usually, groups have to be constituted to be able to apply. There is an exception for groups of young people who do not need to be constituted, but you will have to provide a local independent professional referee who supports the application.
We will expect you to tell us how your grant helped your group develop creative opportunities for your members or for others in your local area.
Young people - you must write your own report and include comments from your named independent referee.
Before you apply
As an individual, you cannot apply for payment towards a college or university course. You also cannot apply for a short course that you have already started.
You should apply 8 weeks prior to the event/course being held and note that we may not be able to give you the full amount you apply for.
The scheme is not suitable if you earn a living from your craft, such as artists, sculptors, writers, jewellery makers, etc. It's also not for those who have received funding from the Visual Arts and Crafts Grant Scheme.
Eligible exhibition items include exhibition boards, equipment purchase or hire marketing and publicity costs, framing and mounting materials, workshop costs, e.g. tutor fees/materials
The culture grant does not cover accommodation, travel expenses, refreshments, costumes, or hall hire.
Groups or individuals applying to this grant scheme will be allowed 2 consecutive awards, then a rest year will be expected before they can reapply for funding assistance.
Advice on making an application
For advice or an informal discussion on culture grants, contact Karen Taylor on 03451 55 55 55 + Ext 442111 (Direct Line) or email at
Fill out our Culture Grant application form.
Completed forms should be emailed to or sent to the following postal address, for assessment and processing:
Community Grants,
Community Investment Team
Fife Council Communities & Neighbourhoods
Fife House (F3 Main)
North Street
For general information on Community Grant Schemes, contact Mandy Rossiter on 01592 583334 or
Back To TopFife Charities Trust (FCT) is Fife Council’s employee charity group and operate a grants scheme on behalf of the Fife Lottery Organisation. This raises funds for charitable and community groups through the Fife Council Employee Lottery.
The average award is £500.
To access funding, charity and community groups (they do not fund individuals) must be nominated by a Fife Council employee. The Fife Charities Trust will consider these based on specific selection criteria.
The FCT application form and selection criteria are available here.
Back To TopThe main areas of work (‘Objects’) that qualify for funding are as follows:
- Object A: The reclamation, remediation, restoration or other operation on land to facilitate economic, social or environmental use.
- Object B: Community based recycling, re-use and waste prevention projects.
- Object C: To provide, maintain or improve a public park or other public amenity.
- Object D: The conservation or promotion of biological diversity through the provision, conservation, restoration or enhancement of a natural habitat or the maintenance or recovery of a species in its natural habitat.
- Object E: The maintenance, repair or restoration of a building, other structure or a site of archaeological interest which is a place of religious worship, or a site of historic or architectural or archaeological interest and is open to the public.
Priority is given to projects that demonstrate partnership working, community involvement and/or innovative use of amenities to enhance, maintain or introduce real community led social, economic or environmental improvements.
Submission Deadlines
Applications for the Large Grants Scheme can be submitted twice per annum at the end of March and the end of September (maximum intervention of 75%, maximum request £50,000). Applications for the Small Grants Scheme (maximum intervention rate of 90%, maximum request £10,000) can be submitted at any time. Small Grant applications are considered by the Trust on a rolling basis.
For more information please visit the link below:
Back To TopFife Council recognises the cultural and economic importance of events in Fife and we want to attract new events and also encourage existing events to grow.
The Fife Events Strategic Fund can award up to £10,000 to events that have the potential to grow, generate significant economic benefits for the area, attract new visitors to Fife and increase Fife’s profile on the national or international stage.
- Will your event attract a significant amount of visitors from outwith Fife?
- Will your event benefit the local community? Note economic as well as social impacts.
- Can you ensure long term sustainability?
- Do you have a proven track record of organising successful events?
- Will your event generate national or international media exposure?
- Will your event add variety to Fife’s existing events portfolio?
If you feel you may be eligible to apply to the fund and would like to request an application form and application guidelines document, please contact Alisha McDonald, Tourism & Events Management Officer, at
For additional event management resources and support, please visit: Fife Strategic Events Fund - Welcome to Fife For Industry
Back To TopProjects requiring funding from the Local Community Planning Budget should meet some of the priorities of your local area’s community plan Local Community Plans. There are individual plans for each area once you click on the “Local Community Plans” link (highlighted above) then scroll to the bottom of the page “related publications”.
The types of projects we will be looking to support are for example:
- Take a pride in your community;
- Improvements to community facilities;
- Community Events;
- Employability Initiatives;
- Vulnerable or disadvantaged groups in a community
Links to Fairer Fife Commission Initiatives Fairer Fife Commission
Please visit our Local Community Planning page to apply for a grant from the Local Community Planning Budget.
For further information, you can contact: 03451 55 55 55 (followed by extension number)
Area | Name | Phone | |
Cowdenbeath | Morag Paterson | Ext 471045 | |
Dunfermline | Linsey Duffy | Ext 490018 | |
Glenrothes | Janet Land | Ext 444156 | |
Kirkcaldy | Support Officer | Ext 470083 | |
Levenmouth | Kenny Imrie | Ext 443080 | |
North East Fife | Frances Arbuckle | Ext 442379 | |
North East Fife | Nicola-Jane Whyte | Ext 473479 | |
South West Fife | Tessa Ramsay | Ext 402734 | |
Settlement Trusts
The following settlements have a Trust in place:
- Anstruther & Cellardyke
- Auchtermuchty
- Auchtertool
- Buckhaven & Methil
- Ballingry
- Burntisland
- Collessie
- Crail
- Cupar
- Culross
- Dunfermline
- Elie
- Kennoway
- Kinghorn
- Kirkcaldy
- Leslie
- Leven
- Falkland
- Freuchie & Area
- Kilconquhar
- Kincardine
- Kingskettle
- Ladybank
- Limekilns
- Lochgelly
- Newburgh
- Pittenweem
- St Andrews
- St Monans
- Tayport.
You can apply for funding from a Settlement Trust if it falls under the following categories:
- Prevention of Poverty
- Advancement of Education
- Advancement of Religion
- Saving of Lives
- Advancement of Citizenship
- Advancement of Arts
- Advancement of Public Participation in Sport
- Provision of Recreational Facilities
- Advancement of Human Rights
- Promotion of religious or racial harmony
- Promotion of Equality
- Advancement of Environmental Protection
- Relief of Those In Need
- Advancement of Animal Welfare
- Analogous Purposes
- Advancement of Health
Application Process for Settlement Trusts
Area | Name | Phone | |
Cowdenbeath | Morag Paterson | 03451 555555 Ext 471045 | |
Dunfermline | Linsey Duffy | 03451 555555 Ext 490018 | |
Glenrothes | Janet Land | 03451 555555 Ext 444156 | |
Kirkcaldy | Supporting Officer | 03451 555555 Ext 470083 | |
Levenmouth | Kenny Imrie | 03451 555555 Ext 443080 | |
North East Fife | Frances Arbuckle | 03451 555555 Ext 442379 | |
North East Fife | Nicola-Jane Whyte | 03451 555555 Ext 473479 | |
South West Fife | Tessa Ramsay | 03451 555555 Ext 402734 |
Click here to download Settlement Trusts Application Form
Click here to download Settlement Trusts Individual Application Form
Non-Settlement Trusts
There are still a number of Trusts that through agreement will remain outwith the Settlement Trust structure these are listed below:
- Alfred Stewart Trust (Dunfermline)
- Ballingry Feus
- Bell Fund/Templars Fund
- BF Nisbet Trusts and Gardens
- Cantley Memorial Clock
- Crail Public Library Trust
- Crail War Memorial
- Dobbie Bequest (Kinghorn)
- Duffus Park
- Duncan Bequest (Kinghorn)
- Flisk Parish Trust
- Frances Lawson Bequest
- Galloway Trust – Coal for Poor
- Galloway Trust – Library 1
- Galloway Trust – Library 2
- Graves Dressing
- Hay Fleming Library (St Andrews)
- J Ferguson's Trust (Auchtermuchty)
- Landale Trust -
- Letham Glen (Leven)
- Leuchars Parish Church
- Macintosh Bequest
- Mrs Orrel's Legacy (Burntisland)
- Mrs R C Balfour Legacy (Leven)
- Ogilvy Dalgleish Mortification
- Pittenweem New Town Hall Fund
- Raemore Mortification - Kinglassie
- Silver Band Fund (Burntisland)
- Spence Memorial (Burntisland)
- St Andrews Harbour Clock
- St Andrews Harbour Trust
- Tayport War Memorial
- Thomas Ireland’s Trust
- Thomas S Grieg’s Bequest
- Thomson Bequest and Laing Library
- War Memorial Fund (Burntisland)
- Waugh & Wharrie Bequest (Aberdour)
- Woodmill Mortification (Newburgh)
Application Process for Non-Settlement Trusts
These trusts have a range of aims and objectives. To find out if your project will qualify, please contact your Local Community Planning Support Officer initially at Community Support Contacts
Click here to download Non-Settlement Trusts Application Form
Back To TopPurpose
The scheme aims to make one-off grants to voluntary organisations whose work complements the work of Social Work Services. Particular attention will be given to groups operating within priority areas or serving priority groups within the terms of Fife Council Policies. Groups who address equal opportunities issues will also be looked on favourably.
Specific considerations
Special projects will have no upper limit - however, awards in excess of £2,000 will only be approved in exceptional circumstances.
Grants are only available to groups involved in the field of social welfare.
Further information available from: Chris Campbell Tel: 03451 555555 Ext: 445980
NB: Community Councils are not eligible for a Special Projects Grant.
Community Sports Grant Scheme
Fife Council’s Community Sports Grants are available to assist individuals in 2 categories:
- Individual Athlete Sports Grants
- Coaches and Sports Officials Training Grant
Note: Grants are discretionary and only one funding request per category will be considered from an applicant in any financial year (1 April to 31 March)
Individual Athlete Sports Award
Grants are available to support individual sports people in Fife who are competing at District, Regional or National level, to help with the costs of competitions and training, for example
- competition fees
- travel costs at standard rate
- accommodation costs up to £25 per night
- additional training costs incurred as a representative of a Fife, Regional, or National squad
To be eligible for an Athletes grant, applicants:
- must live in Fife
- must not be eligible for lottery sports fund talented athlete programme or talented identification programme
- must be participating in sports with a sportscotland recognised Governing Body
- require a letter of selection or approval and endorsement by the respective National Governing Body of Sport
- must submit applications prior to the training/competition commencing, as no awards will be made in retrospect
Applicants can receive grants of up to 50% of the total costs, up to a maximum of £180 and may be subject to a random check on grant information provided.
Coach and Sports Officials Training Grant
Grants are available to encourage, support and promote the training and development of sports coaches and officials. To be eligible for this scheme, applicants:
- must live in Fife
- must be volunteering within a sports club with a sportscotland recognised Governing Body
- must provide confirmation from their sports club that they are attending the course for the benefit of the club, for example a supporting letter or email
- must submit applications prior to the course/workshop commencing, as no awards will be made in retrospect
The grant will only be awarded on proof of attendance and successful completion of the course is provided.
Applicants can receive grants of up to 50% of the total course costs, up to a maximum of £200.
Note; applicants will be allowed two consecutive awards, then a rest year will be expected before they can reapply for funding assistance.
Contact Information
For more information on the Community Sports Grant Scheme, contact Mandy Rossiter on 01592 583334 or email
Completed forms should be emailed to or sent to the following postal address, for assessment and processing:
Community Grants,
Community Investment Team
Fife Council Communities & Neighbourhoods
Fife House (F3 Main)
North Street
The Tayport Community Fund has been created from funding held in Trust by Fife Council on behalf of the Tayport Branch of the British Legion. Priority will be given to projects for community benefit proposed by the Tayport Branch of the British Legion or supported by them.
Average awards made are up to £5,000 but in exceptional circumstances, the RBL can award up to £10,000. Only one application is allowed within a 3-year period unless permission for a subsequent application is agreed in advance by the RBL.
Please email your completed form to:
If you have any enquiries, then please contact
- Frances Arbuckle by email or telephone: 03451 555555 Ext 442379
- Nicola-Jane Whyte by email or telephone: 03451 555555 Ext 473479
Tenant involvement
If you are interested in starting a tenant and residents' association in your local area, you can apply for a grant to help meet running costs of the group.
The grant can cover the cost of:
- Publicising and holding meetings
- Responding to requests for help, from tenants and the Council
- Producing information for those they represent
- Keeping up to date with developments in housing
- Organising events and initiatives that benefit their community
Why set up an association in your local area?
There are a lot of benefits of having a tenant and residents' association:
- tackle local issues
- represent local people when dealing with the Council or other organisations
- work with the Council to shape and develop future services for your area
- share information and advice with local people
Specific Considerations
The Council’s Tenant Participation Policy, written with tenants, lists the criteria for recognising groups. Groups may be eligible to become Registered Tenants Organisations (RTO’s), with rights to be consulted. For further information please contact the Tenant Participation Team directly on 01383 602220
As this grant scheme is funded from rents paid by Fife Council tenants, tenants must be represented on the committee of the group.
Further information please contact the Tenant Participation Team at
NB: Community Councils are not eligible for Tenants Groups Schemes Grants
Community Youth Grant Scheme
Our Community Youth Work Grants are available to assist individuals and organisations in 3 different categories:
- International Youth Experience Grant
- Youth Work Project Grant
- Youth Work Volunteering Training Grant
Note: grants are discretionary and only one application will be considered from an individual/group in any financial year (1 April to 31 March).
International Youth Experience Grant
This grant supports both voluntary organisations and individuals involved in youth work with an international focus. The potential for growth and personal development of participants through the experience must be clearly demonstrated.
Priority will be given to organisations whose group consists of a majority of young people aged 16 to 25 years and who are involved in educational exchanges. Grants are offered up to a maximum of £400 per visit for groups and £50 per visit for individuals.
Grants will not be provided to sports or arts groups making one-off visits abroad.
The level of grant is calculated based on the number of people participating, the cost per head, the amount of funding already in place, and the organisation’s ability to raise funds.
Applications should be submitted with the following supporting information:
- organisation’s constitution (not required for individual applicants)
- budget for visit
- independently examined or audited accounts for the last 2 financial years
- note of funds in hand
- copy of proposed programme
- list of participants and staff
Youth Work Project Grant
This grant is to support new and innovative pieces of work with young people.
Constituted voluntary organisations wishing to develop new or experimental projects with young people aged 12 to 21 years will receive priority. You must demonstrate the involvement of the young people in the development. Grants will be 50% of the project cost, up to a maximum of £500.
Eligible costs include hall rental, volunteer expenses, research work, the cost of specialist staff and equipment (copy of purchase invoice required).
Grants will not be given to cover the cost of administration or for general staffing. Organisations are also encouraged to apply for funding from other sources.
Applications should be submitted with the following supporting information:
- organisation’s constitution
- independently examined or audited accounts for the last 2 financial years
- a project budget
- a note of other funds in hand or grants received
Youth Work Volunteering Training Grant
This grant is to assist and encourages volunteers into undertake relevant and accredited youth work training. Applications are invited from both voluntary organisations and individuals.
Grants are available for course fees, accommodation, and travelling, up to 50% of the costs, to a maximum of £100 per person. The award will be paid upon receipt of written confirmation that the applicant has attended the course.
Individuals must be over 16 years of age and a member of a voluntary organisation in Fife, which is recognised by the council.
Awards to individuals may be restricted when more than one person from a group applies.
Organisations sending groups of volunteers to national training courses can apply for a block grant.
Applications should be submitted with the following supporting information:
- course details
- letter of acceptance
Note: applicants will be allowed 2 consecutive awards, then a rest year will be expected before they can reapply for funding assistance.
For more information on the Community Youth Work Grant Scheme, contact Mandy Rossiter on 01592 583334 or
Completed forms should be emailed to or sent to the following postal address, for assessment and processing:
Community Grants,
Community Investment Team
Fife Council Communities & Neighbourhoods
Fife House (F3 Main)
Fife House
Related Publications
- £2 for £1 Application Form
- Athletes Grant Application Form
- Coach & Officials Grant Application Form
- Common Good Application Form
- Culture Grant Application Form
- Fife Community Works Programme Application Form
- Group Youth Work Grant Application Form
- Individual Youth Work Grant Application Form
- Local Community Planning Budget Application Flowchart
- Local Community Planning Evaluation Form
- Non-Settlement Trusts Application Form
- Settlement Trusts Application Form
- Settlement Trusts Individual Application Form
- Tayport Community Fund Application Form