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Other community safety issues

The Council's Safer Communities Team delivers a range of safety advice on:

Hate Incidents

A hate incident is any incident that is perceived by the victim or any other person as being motivated by prejudice or hate towards an identifiable group of people. This could be on the basis of the following 'protected characteristics’:

  • age
  • disability
  • sex
  • race or ethnicity
  • religion or belief
  • sexual orientation
  • gender reassignment
  • marriage and civil partnership
  • pregnancy and maternity

You do not need to be a victim of the incident to report it and you do not have to give your personal details.

To report a hate incident fill in the Antisocial Behaviour Reporting Form.

If you need immediate help, you should report the incident to the police by dialling 999.

To get more information on hate crimes please go to the Police Scotland website: What Is Hate Crime?


Terrorist attacks in the UK and abroad remind us of all of the terrorist threats we face. The current threat level for international terrorism in the UK can be found on the MI5 website.

Visit the 'Ready Scotland' website (links to external website) which gives a range of advice on preparing and dealing with a terrorist attack, including advice on what to do if you are caught up in an incident and how to spot the signs that someone is planning an attack.

Wherever you are, if you have suspicions about someone’s activities or behaviour please call Police Scotland on 101 or the Anti-Terrorism Hotline on 0800 789 321 or 999 if an emergency.

For further information please visit ACT| Action Counters Terrorism.

Internet Safety

The internet is now part of everyday life. We use it to work, shop, play games, and catch up with family and friends. Technology develops at an amazing speed, bringing more and more opportunities for the user. But it also brings some risks and can leave people vulnerable to fraud or abuse.

In Fife work regarding staying safe online is carried out in partnership with Police Scotland.

For more information please see the Keep Secure Online (provided by Police Scotland).

Rural Watch Fife

Rural Watch Fife is a free service that works with farmers and rural communities to combat rural crime.

Our aim is to increase feelings of safety and security in rural areas and improve the prevention and detection of crime.

Rural Watch Fife has a large number of members who have provided their contact information and who work with us to advise of thefts or suspicious activity in or around their premises. We also keep members up to date if there has been a theft in the local area and offer free security advice on keeping farms and rural premises safe.

Here is a link to Neighbourhood Watch Scotland Rural Watch.

To become a member of Rural Watch Fife, contact PC Emma Fisher on 01592 418945 or email

To arrange a free security visit, call Police Scotland 101 and ask for your Local Community Safety Officer.

Youth Justice

We work with young people between the ages of eight and 18 who are involved in antisocial behaviour and offending behaviour.

Our Officers:

  • represent us on the Youth Offender Management Group (YOMG)
  • provide early intervention and diversion to young people referred from YOMG
  • deliver intervention action where necessary
  • develop, coordinate, evaluate, and monitor youth diversion activities
  • work with Police Scotland to tackle antisocial behaviour in the community
  • work with education partners to engage with young people and promote pro-social behaviour
  • work with Scottish Fire and Rescue Service to design and facilitate diversion activities such as the DiversiFIRE programme
  • work with a variety of external partners to design, deliver and coordinate targeted diversion programs that aim to enhance personal development and promote good citizenship

If you would like more information on this work please visit the Youth Issues Facebook page.

If you are a child and need support please see the Childline Website.

If you are an adult and may need support regarding a child please visit NSPCC Helpline.

For information or support regarding mental health in Fife visit Mood Café.

For knife crime prevention work visit No Knives Better Lives (links to an external website).

Personal Safety

It is unlikely that you will be the victim of a crime or have an accident when you are out and about. It is better to understand the risks and do what you can to ensure you are as safe as you can be.

Domestic Abuse

Domestic abuse is a serious crime and can be carried out by partners or ex-partners and includes any form of:

  • physical abuse
  • punching, choking, not allowing to sleep, or pushing
  • sexual abuse
  • acts that degrade and humiliate, and acts that are carried out against the victim's will, including rape
  • mental and emotional abuse
  • threats, verbal abuse, withholding money
  • other types of controlling behaviour such as isolation from family or friends

This is rarely a one-off incident.  It tends to happen more and more often and becomes more severe.

Even if you think you’re experiencing mild abuse, it’s important to recognise it.

There are people who can help you. You can do things to help yourself.

For more information, please visit our web pages on Domestic Abuse.

When Working Alone

All employers should have policies and procedures for ensuring the safety of workers. It is the responsibility of all workers to familiarise themselves with these and follow guidelines and use any equipment provided. Also, consider the following:

  • forward plan visits
  • know where you are going, who you are meeting, and the circumstances
  • at a first appointment, take along a colleague or meet in a public place
  • always let someone you trust know where you are going and when you expect to return. If you are held up, let a colleague know
  • if you are working in an unfamiliar environment be aware of your surroundings and the exits. Use the internet to research where you are going beforehand
  • if at any time you feel threatened - leave. You can explain your actions to colleagues or clients later
  • attempt to avoid arguments, confrontation, and aggression. Do not respond or it may escalate the problem
  • where possible carry out a thorough risk assessment, particularly if you are attending an appointment outwith your office
  • do not reveal personal details such as a mobile number, email address, holiday dates, or home details that could jeopardise your safety


Fixed CCTV network

Fife has a CCTV system of 102 cameras covering 12 towns from Inverkeithing in the South West to St Andrews in the North East.

All cameras are linked to the control room based at the Fife Division Headquarters of Police Scotland. This is monitored 24 hours a day and provides a world-class facility to both the community and Officers on the beat throughout Fife.

Fife Mobile CCTV Vehicle

The aim of the Fife Mobile CCTV Vehicle is to help reduce crime, reduce the fear of crime, and improve public safety.

The vehicle is available for use by Partner Organisations. Only staff who have completed the training provided by the Police CCTV Liaison Officer to a satisfactory level are allowed to use the Mobile CCTV Vehicle.

Neighbourhood Watch

Neighbourhood Watch is a community-led initiative to bring local people together to address crime and other community safety issues. Neighbourhood Watch Groups often liaise with the local police, the local authority, and other agencies.

For more information visit Neighbourhood Watch Scotland.