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Planning an Event - Read

Phase one of your event planning involves reading several key documents.

Planning for a Safe and Successful Event – Guide – coming soon

The guide will help you plan, organise and deliver a safe event. It's designed to guide you through Fife Council’s policy and procedure on events and will direct you to useful resources. Most of the key sections within the guide are on these pages.

Purple Guide

The Purple Guide to Health, Safety and Welfare at Music and Other Events provides a wealth of materials and guidance on events of medium to large size. Organisers of small-size events may also find the information useful. The service is subscription-based.

Health and Safety Executive (HSE)

The Health and Safety Executive is a UK government agency responsible for the encouragement, regulation and enforcement of workplace health, safety and welfare. Their Guidance on running events safely is designed to help organisers run events safely.


Community events

We have several funding schemes to support community events. They range from Common Good Fund & Culture Grants to Fife Charities Trust, Sports Grants and Tenants Groups Schemes.

Fife Grants provides further information and guidance on the various types of grant available.

Strategic and large events

We recognise the cultural and economic importance of events in Fife. We want to attract new events and encourage existing events to grow.

A strategic event is one that attracts visitors from out-with Fife and will be organised by a local or regional event organiser. The company will be a professional event or festival organiser and be proficient in crowd management, health and safety and understanding the regulations of an event. They will understand event marketing.

This event is likely to attract large numbers of visitors from within and out-with Fife. Event numbers will be higher than 5,000.

Examples of a strategic event:

  • Medium sized music event
  • A festival attracting visitors over a period
  • A historic event that brings in re-enactors from external locations, including overseas
  • Street theatre with artists from around the UK and the rest of the world
  • Large sporting events

The Fife Events Strategic Fund can award up to £10,000 to events which have the potential to grow, generate significant economic benefits for the area, attract new visitors to Fife and increase Fife’s profile on the national or international stage.

If you feel that you may be eligible to apply to the fund and would like to request an application form and guidelines, please contact

Applications must be made at least 3 months prior to the event.

Fife Events Group

The Fife Events Group is open to all event professionals or anyone working within the events industry based in Fife. The group was established in order to develop strategic initiatives to identify growth opportunities, exchange information on issues arising, provide networking opportunities and opportunities to work collaboratively to shape the future of Fife events.

The core role of the Fife Events Group is to support, develop, promote, monitor and to encourage sustainable events.

Further information and previous group minutes can be found on the Fife Tourism Partnership website.

Newcomers are always welcome and meetings take place on a quarterly basis. If you are interested in joining the group, please contact

Useful Links

Below are links to various organisations that maybe relevant during the planning and organisation of your event.

Contact Us

Events Team
Fife House
North Street
Fife, KY7 5LT

Telephone: 01592 583109