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Brown tourist signs

Roads and Transportation Services are responsible for signing to tourist destinations on the local roads network throughout Fife. Traffic Scotland are responsible for signs on Trunk Roads, but this is usually contracted by them to companies like AMEY or Bear Scotland.

We only accept applications for Brown Tourist signs on a public road from:

  • accredited members of Visit Scotland; or
  • the AA accredited businesses

Visit Scotland members - Visit Scotland, can provide members with a Tourist Signposting Letter. You can find out more information about Visit Scotland by visiting their website.

AA members - Businesses accreditation is available from the AA for members. Please visit the AA website for more information.

What happens next?

Once you receive the Tourist Signposting letter, you should contact us to discuss your requirements. We will put a design together which will include the following:

  • Approval of where the signs will be placed
  • Details of the look and size of the signs
  • An estimate of the cost

Please note: There are no up-front fees for this design service, but if you decide to go ahead, you will receive an invoice for the following costs:

  • New poles
  • Relocating/renewing existing signs
  • Traffic control during the works
  • "Passively safe" poles


You will be responsible for the cost of non-routine maintenance or replacement of signs, but the sign itself will always be owned by the Council.

The signs can only remain in place for as long as you are part of the tourist accreditation scheme.

If you were to leave the tourist accreditation scheme then you will also be liable for the costs for the signs to be removed.


Please download the document below for more information and application procedure.