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Road and pavement permits

If you need to occupy, execute roadworks, carry out works or excavations, or hold an event on part of a road, pavement or cycle path you will have to apply for permission.

To do this use the links below to take you to the correct online application form or download the relevant form.

If you are in any doubt about which application you should be completing, please contact us using one of the contacts below.

This page has three sections for ease of navigation. Occupying a Road, Construction/Streetworks and Events on a Road or Footway.

Occupying a Road

Skip application or renew an existing permit - Apply via online link below.

  • This application is to request permission or to renew an existing permit to place a builders' skip on a road, footpath and/or a verge.
  • Guidance notes for placing a skip on a road/pavement, can be downloaded from the publications link below.
  • Applications should give at least 7 days’ notice prior to the start date of your permit.
  • Cost: £25 per week.

If the Skip is to be placed in a Pay & Display Parking Bay or a Car Park – Apply as above for Skip Permit, then

  • We will send your application to Parking Management for approval.
  • If approved, Parking Management will contact you regarding payment to cover any loss of revenue.
  • This may result in a delay to your application, so it is advised to allow time when applying.

Scaffolding or Occupying the Road - Apply via online link below.

  • To request permission for any of the following reasons which may require you to occupy a road for any period of time.
  • Depositing materials, erecting staging or scaffolding, siting of portable cabin or hut, erecting a hoarding, fencing or siting of handling equipment or use of a cherry picker.
  • A building warrant granted under Section 6 of the Building (Scotland) Acts of 1959 and 1970 does not authorise the occupation of a road in connection with building-related operations.
  • A minimum of 10 working days’ notice will be required to assess your application and each application is limited to a 10-week duration.
  • A list of Standard Conditions can be downloaded from the publications link below.
  • Cost: £30.00 for first week then £15.00 each week or part of thereafter.

Renew an existing Scaffold or Road Occupation Licence - Apply via online link below.

  • A minimum of 3 working days’ notice will be required to assess your application and each application is limited to a 10-week duration.

Cost: £15.00 each week or part of thereafter.

Occupy the Footway for Hospitality Uses (Tables & Chairs).  see  the publication link below

  • From 1st April 2023, you will no longer be required to apply for Planning permission. You will however need to apply for consent from the Local Roads Authority (Fife Council) under section 59 of the Roads (Scotland) Act 1984.
  • Submit the completed form to
  • Cost: There is currently no charge for this type of application.

Apply Online Application Forms:

Downloadable Publications:


Dropped Kerb for Vehicle access - Apply via Online link below.

  • Residential application (i.e. Private Individual) for Dropped Kerb.
  • To apply for permission to construct a vehicular access crossing over a road, path or verge including access to a field.
  • To apply for permission to lower a kerb.
  • You will need to engage a Contractor to carry out the work and we will need a photo of the Contractor’s Public Liability Insurance and NRSWA accreditation. Public liability must be a minimum of £5m and NRSWA accreditation in the form of a photo of one supervisor card and one operative card. Failure to provide the fee and the Contractor's information will result in a delay in processing this application.
  • Be aware that Planning Consent may be required, for example if you live in a block of 4 flats, or if the access is onto a classified road rather than a street, i.e. the road number starts with A, B or C. If you are unsure, in the first instance contact
  • A Specification Guidance Sheet and a list of Standard Conditions can be downloaded from the publications link below.
  • 2 weeks' notice must be given prior to the proposed work start date.
  • Cost: £108

Execute roadworks under the New Roads and Streetworks Act (NRSWA 109) - Apply via online link below.

  • This application is to request permission for the purpose of placing, maintaining, adjusting or removing apparatus in, or under a road. This includes excavating in or boring under a road.
  • We will require the Contractor’s and Developer’s details along with permission from the Developer.
  • We will also require a plan/sketch showing the proposed position of the excavation and a photo of the Contractor’s Public Liability Insurance and NRSWA accreditation. Public liability must be a minimum of £5m and NRSWA accreditation in the form of a photo of one supervisor card and one operative card. Failure to provide the fee and the Contractor's information will result in a delay in processing this application.
  • Guidance notes for completing the application and a list of Standard Conditions can be downloaded from the publications link below.
  • Notice needed:
    • Minor works (work duration up to 3 days) - 1 months’ notice
    • Standard works (work duration up to 10 days) - 1 months’ notice
    • Major works (work duration over 10 days or a road closure) - 3 months’ notice
  • Cost: £188

Works and Excavations under the Roads (Scotland) Act 1984 (RSA) Section 56 - Apply via online link below.

  • Commercial application (i.e. Construction Company/Developer).
  • This application is to request permission to excavate the road, footway, footpath and/or verge.
  • Planning permission, where necessary, must be obtained along with approval from the Roads Authority before construction is commenced. If known, you will need to provide a Planning Reference Number.
  • We will require a plan/sketch showing the proposed position of the excavation and any proposed Traffic Management. And a photo of the Contractor’s Public Liability Insurance and NRSWA accreditation. Public liability must be a minimum of £5m and NRSWA accreditation in the form of a photo of one supervisor card and one operative card.  Failure to provide the fee and the Contractors information will result in a delay in processing this application.
  • A list of Standard Conditions can be downloaded from the publications link below.
  • Notice needed:
    • Minor works (work duration up to 3 days) - 1 months’ notice
    • Standard works (work duration up to 10 days) - 1 months’ notice
    • Major works (work duration over 10 days or a road closure) – 3 months’ notice
    • Where the road is traffic sensitive at least 3 months’ notice. (Advice on whether a road is traffic sensitive will be given by contacting us as detailed below).
  • Cost: £384

Temporary Traffic Restriction (TTRO) Application - see publications link below.

  • Transport (Scotland) Act 2005 requires a 3-month notice period for all works that effect the road network.
  • Submit completed form to
  • Guidance notes for completing the application, can be downloaded from the publications link below.
  • Cost:
    • Emergency £225.
    • Restrictions up to 5 days £225.
    • Restrictions for 6 days and over £575 for first 14 days, then £100 per week or part thereof.
  • Fees will be invoiced once the application has been processed (information on fees are available in the guidance notes).

Temporary Traffic Signal application - see publications link below.

Request permission to use two way portable traffic signals and request confirmation that specific site approval is not required.

  • Apply for portable traffic signal site approval.
  • Request a portable traffic signal design and approval.
  • Submit completed form to
  • Cost: There is no charge for this type of application.

To switch off a fixed pedestrian/pelican/zebra crossing

  • Please contact
  • (NOTE: Signals which are placed out of use must be properly signed and bagged off.)
  • Cost: appropriate fees will be invoiced once the application has been processed.

Apply Online Application Forms:

Downloadable Publications:

Events on a Road or Footway

If you wish to Erect Bunting, Christmas Lights or Charity Stall on a Road or Footway - see publications link below.

  • Occupy a portion of road/footway to erect a stall or place goods for sale for fund raising for a Registered Charity. (This does not include selling goods/ merchandise from a vehicle)
  • Erect Bunting/Festive Lights over the road or footway. (If you require assistance with hanging the bunting/festive lights please contact us as directed on the form allowing at least 4 weeks).
  • Download and complete the ‘Apply To Erect Bunting, Christmas Lights or Charity Stall’ form below and return to
  • Cost: Permits for non-profit making activities are normally issued free of charge. If not, then fees will be invoiced once the application has been processed.

If your event is a Parade, Procession or March – see publications link below.

  • Any group or organisation wishing to hold a street parade, procession or demonstration is asked to notify the council at least 28 days before the event, giving details of the date, time, route and the estimated number of participants.
  • There are a number of standard conditions which the council imposes for all parades, including the organisers’ responsibility for the safety and conduct of the participants.
  • The proposals will be sent to the Chief Constable who will consider issues of public safety and the availability of police resources. Roads and Transportation will consider the effect of any road works and bus routes.
  • Download and complete the ‘Apply to hold a Street Parade’ form below. We ask that you also download and complete the ‘Street Parade - Risk Assessment’ form. Once completed send both forms to
  • If your event, parade, or procession requires traffic restrictions, see below:

Traffic Restrictions for Events - see publications link below.

If your event, parade, or procession will restrict the movement or access of other road users, then you will need to apply for traffic restrictions to be put in place:

  • Download and complete the ‘Temporary Traffic Restrictions for Events - Application Form below and return to
  • A three-month notice period is required for all applications for temporary traffic restrictions for events.
  • Guidance notes for completing the application, including information on fees, can be downloaded from the publications link below.
  • Cost:
    • Any event held on the public road with minor impact to the road network will be processed free of charge unless the event is of a commercial nature when a charge of £575 will be payable.
    • Traffic restrictions for events held on the public road posing major impact to the road network or, off the public road, will be published in the local Press and will be charged at a cost of £575 for up to 14 days with an additional charge of £100 per week thereafter
  • This charge will be waived for registered charities.

Downloadable Publications

Contact Us:

Jamie Armit, Technician, South Fife, Network Management
Tel: 03451 55 55 55 + Ext 47 49 53 -
By Post: Fife Council Bankhead Central Bankhead Park Glenrothes Fife KY7 6GH

Fraser Rankin, Technician, North Fife, Network Management
Tel: 03451 55 55 55 + Ext 44 49 63 –
By Post: Fife Council Bankhead Central Bankhead Park Glenrothes Fife KY7 6GH

Julie Carnell, Technician Engineer, South Fife, Network Management
Tel: 03451 55 55 55 + Ext 48 01 17 –
By Post: Fife Council Bankhead Central Bankhead Park Glenrothes Fife KY7 6GH

John Brack, Technician Engineer, North Fife, Network Management
Tel: 03451 55 55 55 + Ext 44 70 63 –
By Post: Fife Council Bankhead Central Bankhead Park Glenrothes Fife KY7 6GH