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Gaming Machines Authorisation

In order to site gaming machines some form of authorisation is required.

This could be in the form of:

An operating licence from the Gambling Commission and a gambling premises licence from the licensing authority:

  • Casino premises
  • Betting premises
  • Bingo premises
  • Adult gaming centres
  • Family entertainment centres

An alcohol premises licence from the licensing authority:

  • Qualifying alcohol-licensed premises have an automatic entitlement to two gaming machines upon notification to the licensing authority.
  • A licensed premises gaming machine permit is required if there are more than two machines.

A gaming machine permit from the licensing authority:

  • Clubs, miners' welfare institutes, and commercial clubs require a club machine permit for gaming machines to be sited within their premises.
  • Unlicensed family entertainment centres
  • Prize gaming

Depending on the authorisation, there are limits placed on the category of machines that can be sited and, in some cases, on the number of machines that can be made available for use.  Click on the relevant link above for more details.

A list of the categories of machines is attached as a publication below.

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