Fife Licensing Board is an independent regulatory body by virtue of Section 5 of the Licensing (Scotland) Act 2005. The Board members are made up of local councillors and they must undergo training to be allowed to sit on the Board.
Current Board Members:
- Cllr Alistair Cameron
- Cllr Carol Lindsay
- Cllr David Macdiarmid
- Cllr Donald Lothian
- Cllr Gavin Ellis
- Cllr Gary Holt
- Cllr Lea McLelland
- Cllr Patrick Browne
- Cllr Tom Adams
- Cllr Louise Kennedy-Dalby
Function of the Board
The Fife Licensing Board is there to administer and determine applications for premises that sell alcohol to the public. They are also required to regulate certain Gambling activities within Fife.
Licensing Policy Statements
The Licensing Board is required to provide policy statements that set out how they intend to exercise its functions in terms of both Liquor Licensing and Gambling. These can be viewed from the publications section on this page.
Fife Licensing Board’s Statement of Licensing Policy 2023 – 2028 can also be viewed in the publications section below.
Fife Licensing Board Annual Functions Report and Financial Report
The Licensing Board is required to publish an annual report setting out how it has carried out its functions, summarising the decisions made. It also publishes a financial report on the Board's Income and Expenditure during the financial year.
- Fife Licensing Board's Function Report
- Fife Licensing Board's Financial Report
- Premises Licence Applications
- Occasional Licence Applications
- Extended Hours Applications
Attending a Licensing Board Meeting
When the Licensing Board has to consider an application, the applicant and any person who has made an objection or representation will be cited to the meeting to present their case before the Board makes a decision.
Prior to the Board meeting, the applicant will receive a citation letter requesting their attendance. The letter will detail any issues that are required to be addressed at the Board. If you are the applicant, you will also receive copies of any reports or letters that the Board will take into account.
View the 'What to expect when attending a Licensing Board Meeting' document for more information.
General Extensions/Festive Extensions
Notice of Fife Licensing Board’s Festive Extension is detailed within their current Statement of Licensing Policy:
For the duration of the policy, 5th November 2023 to 4th November 2028, a determination has been made under Section 67 (1) of the Act that the following festive extension will apply each year:
- During the period of 2nd December to 2nd January, those On-Sales premises whose premises licence indicates that they have opted to benefit from festive seasonal variations would automatically be entitled to open as follows:-
- On-Sales premises would be granted an extension on a daily basis until 1am. This means that those premises currently enjoying a 1am extension on some days of the week (usually Fridays and Saturdays) would be entitled to a 1am terminal hour on all days during the above festive period.
- Those premises which currently have until 2am, 3am, or 4am on specified days can have until 1am on all other days if not already enjoyed.
- There would be no automatic right to any extended hours beyond 1am.
There is no requirement for any licence holder to trade during any extended hours resulting from the making of this determination.
Any extension sought out with those permitted by the determination or sought by premises not covered by the seasonal variation would require to be applied for by way of a section 68 Application for Extended Hours and such applications would be determined individually on their merits.
When applying for an extended hours application, please note that at least 28 days notice of the event date is required
For further information on Fife Licensing Board and to view scheduled meetings & agendas visit their profile page: Fife Licensing Board
Related Publications
- Financial Report 2023-2024
- Functions Report 2023-2024
- Occasional Licences 01.04.23-31.03.24
- Premises Applications 01.04.23-31.03.24
- Extended Hours Applications 01.04.23-31.03.24
- Guidance for Applicants
- Statement of Licensing Policy 2023 - 2028
- What to expect when attending a Licensing Board Meeting
- Fife Licensing Board - Liquor Licensing Fee List as from 01.04.2022
- Timescales for August 2024 - June 2025 Licensing Board meetings
- Timescales for August 2025 - June 2027 Licensing Board meetings