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Animal boarding licence

If you run premises in Fife for boarding cats and/or dogs, or are thinking about starting one, you may need a licence from Fife Council.

You can apply for a boarding licence online using the form link at the bottom of the page.

We will grant a licence subject to the following:

  • receipt of a completed application form
  • receipt of the appropriate fee (see attached publication for details of current fees)
  • completion of a satisfactory inspection of the premises by ourselves

There is a fee for the licence, and it varies depending on the number of animals you have and any vet costs we may incur as part of the inspection. In the event you do not meet the licence conditions and/or decide not to go ahead, licence fees are non-refundable.

This licence will be valid from the date that it is granted, until 31 December of that year. You will then need to apply in October for a renewed licence to begin on 01 January.

Please contact us on the details provided below for any further information.

A list of current licensed premises can be found on our Animal Business Premises licences publication.

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