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Contracts Register

Our Contracts Register is an excel spreadsheet, exported from a live file. This will be refreshed on a regular basis. Where there are multiple suppliers, you will see a link to ‘List of Contractors’ – you can locate this information via the open Contracts Register. This is automated from awards made via the Public Contracts Scotland web-portal, link here Public Contracts Scotland - View Contract.

Alternatively, you may submit a request if you are unable to locate the information you are looking for. This can be done through our Request for additional information from Fife Council's Contracts Register form.

Note – Fife Council utilises national frameworks where deemed best value to do so, for example frameworks let by Scotland Excel and Scottish Procurement. These will feature on our register where we utilise routinely, and some will feature with specific call-off arrangements where appropriate. In other cases, these might feature at header level only.

Our privacy policy can be found here.

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