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Contract Pipeline

Our Pipeline is an Excel spreadsheet, with content exported from our Contracts Register. Contracts that are due to reach their initial expiry date within two years feature on this Pipeline. It's likely that these contracts require to be renewed. However, some contracts may not require to be renewed or might have optional extensions, which may or may not be utilised. So this list may not be completely accurate. Additional entries of known potential procurement requirements may also be included.

This Pipeline is intended to be used by prospective suppliers, to understand our likely procurement requirements over the next coming months/years. It's not guaranteed that a tender exercise will be conducted for any of these entries.

Please note: Fife Council uses national frameworks, where it's deemed best value to do so. Scotland Excel and Scottish Procurement are two examples. These will feature on this list if either the framework or our specific call-off is due to expire in the subsequent two-year period.

The framework owner is responsible for the tender renewal. Any supplier interested in tendering for any of these frameworks should refer to the respective organisation’s Contract Register and/or Pipeline, to determine the renewal dates. You should not presume dates on this Pipeline are aligned.

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