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How to manage your waste in the workplace

You will likely require internal containers in which to collect your waste and recycling. Your waste contractor may supply these, or you may have to provide them yourself.

Things you should consider:


Bins should be labelled in the workplace. Ensuring your staff know what and where to recycle.

A free online poster creator tool is available from Zero Waste Scotland website.


You can optimise recycling in your business by ensuring recycling containers are located as close to the sources of waste as possible.

Staff Training

Train your staff so they know what is expected of them in terms of their waste responsibilities.


Responsibility should be appointed for managing, handling and emptying waste and recycling containers on your business premises. Consider appointing a “waste champion” to ensure things operate smoothly.

Once you have identified the types of waste your business produces - and the legislation you must comply with - you can arrange for someone to collect waste and recycling from your premises.

Are you doing all you can to meet your legal waste requirements?

Should you require further information or advice regarding your waste, please contact us at

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