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Bin policies

Help Fife Council provide an efficient waste and recycling collection service by following the simple rules below.

If your bin has been missed, please check our service disruptions page for known issues. If your street or town is not listed, please complete our Report a domestic bin issue online form below.

Bin Capacity - Landfill Waste

All waste that cannot be recycled should go in your landfill bin (blue bin). In some circumstances, we can provide extra or less blue bin capacity. If you think you meet the criteria below then this can be arranged by completing the Request a larger blue bin or additional grey, green, or brown bin online form.

Bin Capacity - Recycling Bins

We can, in some circumstances, provide extra or less capacity in your recycling bins. These are your green, grey and brown bins. If you think the reasons below apply to you then complete the Request a larger blue bin or additional grey, green, or brown bin online form.

Returning Your Bins

If you find you no longer need any of your bins, you can return them. Please fill out the 'Report a domestic bin issue' online form below.