Cllr. Jim Leishman

Provost of Fife
Party: Scottish Labour Party
Ward: Dunfermline Central (Ward 3)
Address: c/o Members Services, Fife House, Glenrothes, KY7 5LT
Telephone: 03451 55 55 55 + Ext 442324
Other Councillors for this Ward:
- Cllr. Aude Boubaker-Calder - Scottish Liberal Democrat Party
- Cllr. Derek Glen - Scottish National Party
- Cllr. Jean Hall Muir - Scottish National Party
Committee memberships
Register of Interests
Personal appearances & public speaking
Other Roles
Election Expenses
Fife Labour Group
Houses, Land & Buildings
Dwelling - Ward: 2 - Dunfermline North
Shares & Securities
Gin Leishman (start-up 2022)
Gifts & Hospitality
Any gifts received are donated to Fife Council
Non-Financial Interests
Member - GMB Trade Union
Trustee – Mary Leishman Foundation
Close Family Members
Latest Update
Further information about the Committees and Councillors can be found in the Politicians and Committees section of our website.