Cllr. Tom Adams

Photograph of Cllr. Tom Adams

Chair - Regulation & Licensing

Party: Scottish Labour Party

Ward: Your local councillors - Buckhaven, Methil and Wemyss villages

Address: c/o Members Services, Fife House, Glenrothes, KY7 5LT

Mobile: 07935 702921

Other Councillors for this Ward:

Committee memberships

Register of Interests


  • None

  • Other Roles

  • None

  • Contracts

  • None

  • Election Expenses

  • None

  • Houses, Land & Buildings

  • Dwelling  - Ward 22

  • Shares & Securities

  • Tesco


  • Gifts & Hospitality

  • None

  • Non-Financial Interests

  • Board Member - Kingdom Community Bank

    Member - Masonic Lodge

  • Appointment To External Organisations and Boards

    Close Family Members

  • None

  • Last Update

  • Wednesday 24th May 2023
  • Further information about the Committees and Councillors can be found in the Politicians and Committees section of our website.