Torbain Primary School
- Primary Schools
Torbain Primary School Blairmore Road Kirkcaldy Fife KY2 6NP
Dear Parent
“Intelligence plus character – that is the goal of true education” Martin Luther King
All staff at Torbain are firmly of the opinion that the school and families must work together to ensure that children receive the best possible education.
“Research shows that parent interest in their child’s education is the single greatest predictor of achievement at the age of 16” – Education Scotland
The following information is intended to inform you about our school. I have attempted to cover the areas that will hopefully be of interest to you and at the same time to inform you of our educational vision.
In our school, we value
- Fairness
- Friendship
- Honesty
- Respect
These values are at the core of what we do.
At Torbain, our vision is to create a culture that successfully contributes to the development of skills and qualities needed for lifelong learning – not just focusing on the academic. We want children to experience a “quality education” which in turn produces young people who are “enterprising, friendly, moral and imaginative”.
Although all of your questions will perhaps not answered by reading this booklet, the school has an open door policy and we welcome parents and carers to make contact at any time regarding any aspect of your child’s education.
Yours sincerely
Mrs Louise Yuile
Related links
- School holidays and term times
- Enrolment
- School curriculum
- School policies
- School meals
- Support for pupils