St Johns R C Primary School
- Primary Schools
St Johns R C Primary Heath Road Rosyth Dunfermline Fife KY11 2BT
- After School Club
- Breakfast Club
- Holiday Club
Dear Parent
Thank you for your interest in St John’s RC Primary School.
This booklet is intended to give you practical information about St John’s Primary. It also outlines the aims and values which contribute to our ethos of achievement and respect for all.
The staff of St John’s welcome parental involvement and believe that a strong partnership between school and home will ensure the best possible education for all our children.
Our school uniform plays a very important part in our school ethos and in helping us to ensure the safety of our pupils. The distinctive blue sweatshirt/cardigan is easily identifiable both in the playground and on school outings. We have tremendous support from our parents for our Dress Code Policy and I hope that you will be part of that support.
We hope that you will choose St John’s for your child and that you and your family will enjoy a fruitful and rewarding educational experience with us. However, should you have any queries or concerns please do not hesitate to contact the school to arrange an appointment.
Yours sincerely
Shona Munro
Related links
- School holidays and term times
- Enrolment
- School curriculum
- School policies
- School meals
- Support for pupils