Pittenweem Primary School
- Primary Schools
- | Nursery
Pittenweem Primary, James Street, Pittenweem, Anstruther, Fife, KY10 2QN
Dear Parent
The following notes are intended to tell you about our school. I have attempted to cover the areas which will probably be of interest or concern to parents and at the same time inform you of the educational aims that we have for your child.
My colleagues and I believe in high expectations for every child and encourage aspiration and achievement at all stages. Our vision statement 'where little people achieve big things' was developed with staff, pupils and parents and is fundamental to our work with learners. As a Rights Respecting School, we wish to ensure every child has a voice and is valued. We ensure we offer a broad education, teaching skills for learning, work and life. We maintain strong links with parents and all stakeholders and seek improvement through feedback and evaluation. We are fortunate to have forged strong partnerships with the local community and have effective links with our cluster schools and secondary school - Waid Academy.
We are fortunate to be in a beautiful village in the East Neuk which gives us a wealth of opportunities for outdoor learning.
The school operates an open door policy and if you would like to see around the school or if after reading this booklet you require further information, please do not hesitate to contact me.
Yours sincerely
Miss Nicola Wallace