Our school boasts a happy family atmosphere, which helps in the growth and development of the children in their first seven years of school life. If your children are happy to come to school, then learning is much easier. Through this environment we want to produce happy, responsible, caring children, encouraging self-respect for others, self-discipline and independence.
- Respect
- Friendship
- Kindness
- Helpfulness
- Inclusion (letting everyone join in)
- Effort (trying our best)
- Honesty
We aim to work with all stakeholders to create a safe, secure learning environment with an ethos of high expectation. We will work to continually improve the delivery of exciting, high-quality learning experiences for all our pupils and aim to enable our children to succeed fully, as confident, independent and responsible individuals. We will foster an enthusiasm for learning, so that our children are inspired to be lifelong learners and so contribute to the wider community in which they live.
To attain the fullest development of individual capacity, not only intellectually but also physically and socially.
To develop social awareness and satisfactory interpersonal relationships encouraging self-respect, respect of others, self-discipline and independence.
To foster an enquiring attitude and respect for evidence.
To develop and maintain active partnerships between teachers and pupils, school and home and school and the wider community.
To ensure the quality of opportunity for all pupils regardless of race, gender, spiritual belief or disability.
We are committed to recognising pupil's good behaviour and achievements. All pupils belong to a House and collect House Points. Achievements in and out of school are regularly celebrated at assembly.
We have strong links with the local community. The Minister of the parish church regularly visits the school to deliver assemblies for the whole school. We regularly invite members of the community as well as parents into school for special events and performances.