Methilhill Primary School
- Primary Schools
Methilhill Primary, Sea Road, Methilhill, Leven, Fife, KY8 2JW
I would like to wish everyone a warm welcome to Methilhill Primary School.
Methilhill Primary School is very proud of its inclusive, welcoming atmosphere, the dedicated staff team and the close relationship we have with parents and the community. We will always go the extra mile to ensure children’s needs are met in whatever way is necessary.
Our school vision ‘Together we Learn, Together we Achieve’ reflects the partnership between home and school that we promote along with the recognition that children learn from all that they experience.
Our school Values focus our whole school community on what everyone agreed was most important for us. In Methilhill P.S. we are Kind, Safe and Respectful in all we do and say. By showing these 3 values on our school site, inside and outside the building, we are creating positive conditions for children to learn and thrive.
We celebrate success and achievement regularly, everyone has high expectations of themselves and is given the opportunity to obtain excellence. The school strives to encourage a participative culture in which children have a clear voice and where they are encouraged to be responsible citizens, showing respect for themselves and others. This vision is shared and discussed with all, to enable us to feel valued, to give us a goal to aspire to and measure success by.
There is always an open-door at Methilhill Primary and should you require further information, please do not hesitate to catch staff in the playground or call / email.
We believe that the key to successful achievement, the best possible outcomes and experiences for all learners come about when school and parents / carers work together and I am sure this will be the case for you and your family.
Please browse the pages of our website to find out more about us. You will also find a great deal of information in our School Booklet which can be viewed and/or downloaded from this site.
Mrs Jillian Mellis – Headteacher
Related links
- School holidays and term times
- Enrolment
- School curriculum
- School policies
- School meals
- Support for pupils