Visions and Values
Our vision is of a happy environment where we are:
- Working Together
- Learning Together
- Achieving Together
We strive to achieve this through the values of:
- Relationships
- Respect
- Responsibility
Our aim is to work together to:
- Make everyone feel welcome and included.
- Provide a safe and nurturing learning environment.
- Ensure there are opportunities for positive and supportive relationships to develop.
- Create interesting learning experiences to meet the needs of all learners.
- Support each child in improving their attainment.
- Strive to meet the needs of all learners.
- Encourage each child to give their very best effort.
- Recognise and celebrate children’s good behaviour and choices.
- Promote pupil participation and involvement in decision making regarding all aspects of school life.
- Support each child in recognising and celebrating their achievements.
- Build links with the local and wider community.
Our school ethos is based on the United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child. Our pupils have written a rights and responsibility charter which forms the backbone of our vision, values and aims.
All pupils belong to one of four Houses called Blackdean, Ironstone, Jenny Gray and Minto. The pupils are awarded house tokens and these are collated on a weekly basis with classes informed of the total at the weekly assemblies.
All pupils have a Learning Log in which they record their achievements in and out of school. Achievements are also celebrated at assembly along with weekly certificates based on the four capacities of successful learner, confident individual, responsible citizen and effective contributor. We also have a weekly VIP (Value Inspired Pupil), this is awarded to a pupil who has made particularly good choices and demonstrated high levels of effort in our values of relationships, respect and responsibility.
We have strong links within our community. Members of our local church, St. Serf's, come along on a weekly basis to support in our Nurture Room, where they organise craft activities for pupils. We also go to church for the Easter service, to which parents and members of the community are invited. On a termly basis, we have whole school Family Times where parents are welcomed in to school to share in their child's learning. These sessions are held more frequently in P1-3 to help encourage parent participation in learning. We also regularly invite community members as well as parents into school for special events and performances.