Daily Timetable
School Hours
- Morning Session
P1 - P7 - 9.00 a.m. - 12.35 p.m. - Interval
10.40 a.m. - 10.55 a.m. - Afternoon Session
P1 - P7 - 1.20 p.m. - 3.00 p.m.
Nursery Sessions
- Full Day
Monday to Friday - 9.00am - 3.00pm
School Uniform
As a school we want to instil a sense of pride in being part of the Dalgety Bay learning community and therefore seek to promote a smart and uniformed dress code which encourages a positive ethos and sense of belonging to the school.
We believe that wearing full school dress also promotes:
- self-discipline and the fostering of positive attitudes to school
- improved security within school and on excursions
- reduction in bullying and victimisation from peer pressure to wear fashion items
- assistance for parents in terms of economic and practical issues
We would hope that parents/carers will give full backing to the school in promoting the wearing of correct school uniform. All pupils should take a pride in identifying with the school. Expectations about student dress apply to attendance at sports fixtures and excursions organised by the school or where a pupil is representing the school.
We are a tie promoting school and would encourage all pupils to come to school wearing our school tie. P1 ties are kindly gifted by the PTA. P2-6 ties can be purchased from iPayimpact. Senior ties are kindly gifted by the PTA at the start of P7. Elasticated ties are also available to buy.
The following list details acceptable items of wear within school:
- school tie
- white shirt/polo shirt
- plain navy cardigan/jumper/tank top
- navy or black skirt/trousers/knee-length shorts
- navy pinafore/navy gingham summer dress
- navy/white/black socks or tights
- plain black school shoes/boots/trainers
All tops can be worn with or without our school badge.
Navy and black are our school colours. We also remind parents/carers that black should not be worn on top. Where possible, please keep socks/tights in keeping with school colours.
The following examples are not acceptable items of wear within school:
- hat/cap/scarves
- football or sports tops
- jeans/leggings of any colour/style
- coloured/hooded/zip tops
- brightly coloured tights
- coloured shoes/boots/trainers
Please support the school by purchasing the correct items of school dress and ensuring they are worn daily.
All items of clothing should be clearly labelled with your child’s name.
The Scottish Government recognises the positive impact physical education can have on a pupil's health, educational attainment and life chances and that it can form a key element of a school’s plan to deliver the broad health and wellbeing outcomes and experiences contained within Curriculum for Excellence. This includes a commitment that every school pupil in Scotland will benefit from at least two hours per week of physical education in primary school and therefore we would appreciate your support in ensuring your child has both an indoor and outdoor PE kit at all times in school.
- plain white t-shirt (with or without school badge)
- navy/black shorts/cycling shorts/leggings
- plain plimsolls/non-marking clean trainers/deck shoes (for indoor use only)
- plain t-shirt (with or without school badge)
- plain tracksuit/leggings/jogging bottoms
- plain jumper/sweatshirt/hooded/zip top
- trainers/deck shoes (for outdoor use only)
Long hair should be tied back.
Our school uniform can be ordered from http://www.border-embroideries.co.uk