The children, staff and parents of Balcurvie Primary School believe that our school is at the heart of a caring and supportive community where everyone is welcomed, valued and included.
We aspire to be a centre of excellence which strives to work with our partners to ensure that our children are safe, healthy, active, nurtured, achieving, respected, responsible and included.
Through the philosophies of an active and challenging Curriculum for Excellence our aim is that our children will be:
- Confident Individuals - "I know I can do it if I try my best"
- Effective Contributors - "Everyone's opinion is important and valued. We all co-operate together as a team to benefit others"
- Responsible Citizens -"I care about myself and others and the world I live in"
- Successful Learners - "I like to learn new things and develop my skills. I am not afraid to make mistakes."
We aim to provide a place where our children are learning relevant and transferrable skills for the future and where successful achievements and attainment, big or small, are valued and celebrated.
In carrying out our work we promise to regularly and rigorously evaluate our practice to ensure that we are on a journey of continuous improvement, providing our children with an education that will encourage every individual to thrive and reach their full potential.
Celebrating Success
In Balcurvie we are committed to recognising and celebrating positive behaviour and achievements. Pupils belong to a House and can be awarded House Points. Positive playground behaviour is recognised and children can earn House Points which contribute to a House prize at the end of the year. Achievements are celebrated in whole assemblies, some of which parents are invited to attend. These are also recorded in Learning Journey Jotters and on Seesaw.
Community Links
We have strong links with our local community. The minister of the parish church is a regular visitor to our school. We use the church regularly to hold services, to which, parents and members of the community are invited.
We also have links with the Womens Guild, Active Schools and Community Police Officer.