Dalgety Bay Community Centre
Moray Way North Dalgety Bay Fife KY11 9NH
- Disabled Toilets
- Kitchen
- Main Hall
- Meeting Room - Max 10
- Parking Facilities - Free
- Baby Changing Facilities
- Disabled Toilets
- Kitchen
- Main Hall
- Meeting Room - Max 10
- Parking Facilities - Free
- Stage

**When emailing, please state which centre you are enquiring about**
There is a range of activities for all age groups - from parent and toddler groups to senior citizen groups. Clubs and organisations can also hire the facilities.
Facility is suitable for most events as Modern Dance, Toddler Group, Zumba, Baypatchers Sewing Group, Inspire Drama, Dalgety Bay Horticulture Show but check with centre before you book.