Local Heat and Energy Efficiency Strategy (LHEES) Consultation


The Local Heat and Energy Efficiency Strategy is an important document for Fife. It will help Fife tackle the climate emergency and meet net zero. The strategy and delivery plan set out an approach for where we live, to improve buildings’ energy efficiency and change to climate friendly heating. This public engagement exercise on the draft Local Heat and Energy Efficiency Strategy, will last for six weeks between 18th September and 29th October 2023.

To read the documents please visit www.fife.gov.uk/LHEES

Public Events


We are hosting an online public information session on 5th October, 6pm-7pm. This will provide the opportunity for you to provide feedback and ask questions in a more informal manner. You can register to attend here.

Opens: September 18th, 2023

Closes: 5.00pm October 29th, 2023

Status: Closed


Hamish Martin
