Head of Environment and Building Services - Job details

The Role

Head of Service, Environment & Building Services

Salary: £109,285

Head of Service
Environment & Building Services

Fife Council

Job Title

Head of Service, Environment & Building Services

Reports and is Accountable to

Executive Director, Place

Terms & Conditions

Fife Council, Chief Officer

Post Status






  • Closing Date for Applications
    Sunday 23rd March 2025
  • Location
    Bankhead Central, Bankhead Park, Glenrothes, KY7 6GH
    A blended work style arrangement applies, allowing flexibility in working from home and working base, to meet the demands of the post.
  • Hours
    36 hours per week
  • Salary
    Local Government CO37, £109,285
  • Post Status
  • Political Restriction

Job description

  • Accountable for the overall direction and strategic leadership of all managed functions within the Environment & Building Services portfolio:
    • Building Services
    • Corporate Stores and Printing
    • Domestic Waste
    • Fleet Services
    • Grounds Maintenance
    • Street Cleansing
  • Responsible for efficient and effective service delivery which optimises available resources and technologies that contribute to the fulfilment of statutory functions and other business critical activity.
  • Establish and provide local and centralised environmental and building services throughout Fife.

  • Portfolio leads / spokespeople for managed functions
  • Fife Council Executive Team and Heads of Service
  • Fife’s community planning and other partners and agencies
  • External organisations
  • MSP’s and MP’s
  • Elected members
  • Trade unions

Key accountabilities

  • To provide leadership and strategic direction to achieve the council’s strategic objectives across all parts of the Environment & Building Services managed functions.
  • Ensure that proper arrangements are in place for the effective discharge of both statutory and non-statutory functions across service areas.
  • Lead on Place leadership, support community led decision making and the delivery of local objectives through Service functions.
  • Ensure the Service is fit for purpose and employees have the skills and display the behaviours needed to meet the Council’s future agenda as identified in Council plans and policies.
  • Ensure the organisation learns from practice and develops innovative approaches to better outcomes, as set out in the Plan4Fife.
  • Provide advice to elected members, and respond to queries.
  • Provide advice to Fife Council and its Committees, and relevant portfolio lead / spokesperson, on all aspects of the role or its functions.
  • Provide support on other corporate and management tasks as delegated by the Executive Director, Place.

Role specific elements

  • Act as lead adviser to the council on the implications of Legislation and Government Policy relevant to the performance of managed functions.
  • Build and maintain robust and credible relationships with leaders in the directorate, and with other key internal and external stakeholders
  • Key lead on the identification of specific professional or managerial tasks for Environment & Building Services or cross Directorate remits.
  • Working in conjunction with other Directorates and partner organisations to minimise professional risks while delivering key business requirements.
  • Ensure efficient delivery of both corporate and local services and adjusting as necessary following regular review of performance with customers, elected members and partnership organisations
  • Take responsibility for managing the asset portfolio of the Service to ensure the land and buildings effectively support the most efficient operating model.
  • Lead Environment & Building Services in the provision of a 365 24/7 emergency service for housing and public building repairs, winter gritting and other emergency events such as storm damage and dangerous buildings.

  • Contribute to the strategic management of the council as chair of strategic corporate forums.
  • Work to integrate services and develop joint working with key partners to improve service delivery.
  • Promote continuous review, improvement and horizon scanning for new developments to benefit the Service and the Council.
  • Lead, monitor and ensure compliance with health and safety regulation and legislation. Promote and define the organisation’s safety culture that demonstrate commitment to proficient health and safety management.

  • Current annual revenue budget for the Environment & Building Services portfolio is circa £160m and capital budget of £7m
  • Manage trading account
  • Overall staff management of around 1800 FTE
  • Ensure robust arrangements for corporate governance and risk management.
  • Ensure effective performance management through sound budgetary management and control.
  • Provide effective leadership and actively model desired behaviours ensuring efficient management of resources, workforce planning, capacity building, harnessing technologies which demonstrate transparent Best Value in all activities of the Service

  • Promote and value the diversity of staff, and the people and communities of Fife, to ensure equality of access and treatment in employment and service delivery.
  • Provide effective leadership and promote a culture that supports the council’s How we Work Matters (HWWM) framework.
  • Provide clear leadership, fostering a high-performance culture and empowering employees to achieve their objectives.
  • Develop the full potential of employees through effective coaching, performance management and development opportunities that promote the highest standards of delivery and maintain professional standards.
  • Lead or contribute to Incident Management Teams as required. Provide clear leadership, strategy and direction for the Service functions in the delivery of the Council’s vision and goals, working in conjunction with the Executive Director

  • Represent the interests and views of Fife Council to relevant external bodies supporting this activity by developing and maintaining effective relationships e.g. APSE.
  • Key lead for regional and national climate change matters such as Green Fleet and Energy Efficiency Standard for Social Housing.
  • Key lead contact for Media communications.
  • Lead on apprenticeship training scheme in conjunction with local colleges and schools for Environment and Building Services, including Environmental Training Academy.
  • Develop and maintain good employee relations in partnership with staff and trade unions / representative bodies through informal and formal processes of communication and involvement.
  • Key representative for Fife Council with Parliamentary and public enquiries

Person specification


  • Experience of senior management within a large organisation
  • Responsibility for a broad operational portfolio, influencing policy and developing service strategy
  • Clear appreciation and understanding of the dimensions of the post both in the public and political arena.
  • Ability to contribute to the corporate goals of the Council, while effectively balancing the complexity of service delivery and meeting customer needs.
  • Evidence of personally providing clear direction to support change with genuine delegation and staff empowerment.
  • Record of success in translating corporate and operational strategies into effective service delivery and best practice to required standards
  • Ability to manage a large budget through sound budgetary management controls


  • Strategic leadership experience / knowledge of management in local government
  • Working knowledge of the construction industry and other managed services, i.e. fleet provision, grounds maintenance services and domestic waste and street cleansing services.
  • Record of success in managing large, complex front-line service
  • Knowledge and management of a Trading Account


  • Application
  • Reference
  • Interview


  • Relevant degree
  • Member of an appropriate professional body


  • Recognised management qualification


  • Application
  • Certificates


  • Proven experience of developing and implementing services with strong customer focus
  • Ability to engender a positive performance culture and to motivate/empower/coach others to give their best
  • Ability to manage and embrace change and different ways of working
  • Astute political awareness, customer focus and partnership working
  • Evidence of management of resources and risk to meet Best Value and customer expectations within a constantly challenging environment


  • Application
  • Interview


  • Proven leadership, motivation and team building skills
  • Proven ability to think strategically and to innovate
  • Proven ability to manage change effectively
  • Ability to make best use of resources
  • Analytical skills
  • Proven ability to motivate others to perform to expected standards and a commitment to modelling expected behaviours (How We Work Matters)
  • Negotiating skills over a wide range of issues
  • Political understanding and awareness
  • Ability to deliver priorities with a high level of personal resilience
  • Ability to work at a senior level with key internal and external stakeholders
  • A commitment to customer focused services and giving service users a voice in service re-design


  • Application
  • Interview
  • Test Results
  • Reference


  • Ability to communicate effectively at all levels in writing and verbally
  • Ability to develop effective relationships with senior elected members, MSP’s, MP’s and Trade Unions officials
  • Evidence of building and maintaining positive relationships with peers, working collaboratively to achieve positive outcomes.
  • Experience of representing the organisation at senior level both internally and externally.
  • Ability to prepare concise reports, information and present at council committees


  • Evidence of challenging and confronting poor performance.
  • Evidence of working successfully in a sensitive political context


  • Interview
  • Presentation


  • High standard of personal and professional integrity
  • Must be prepared to work flexibly and out with office hours when necessary
  • Demonstrates a commitment to equality, diversity, and inclusion


  • Interview
  • Reference

Summary of Terms and Conditions

Pay Method and Frequency

Payment is every 4 weeks in arrears by credit transfer to your bank or building society.


You will be automatically enrolled to the Local Government Pension Scheme (LGPS). You may opt out. Full details of the terms and conditions relating to pensions and the LGPS are available at www.fifepensionfund.org

Employee Benefits

A range of employee benefits, such as discounts with local businesses and lifestyle benefits such as cycle scheme and technology scheme, is available.

Notice Requirement

The period of notice to be given by either party to terminate employment will be 12 weeks.

Hours of Work

Your contracted hours of work are 36 hours per week. The nature of your position requires flexibility to meet demands and, subject to the provisions of the Working Time Regulations, you are required to arrange your hours of work to meet organisational needs. This may require working out with standard hours of work and working more than 36 hours in a week, for which no additional remuneration will be received.


The leave year runs from 1 January to 31 December.

Annual leave entitlement for full-time is:

  • 25 days for up to 5 years continuous service at the commencement of the leave year
  • 30 days after completion of 5 years continuous service at the commencement of the leave year

Public Holidays:

  • There are 8 fixed public holidays, as follows:
  • 6 days over the festive and new year period
  • 1 day in May
  • 1 day in July

The Council provides a range of statutory and other leave, such as family-friendly leave.

Sick Pay

The amount of sickness allowance depends on the length of employment service.

  • Less than 26 weeks continuous service  - SSP
  • 26 weeks or more but less than 1 year  - Full allowance for 5 weeks; half allowance for 5 weeks
  • 1 year, but less than 2 years  - Full allowance for 9 weeks; half allowance for 9 weeks
  • 2 years, but less than 3 years  - Full allowance for 18 weeks; half allowance for 18 weeks
  • 3 years, but less than 5 years  - Full allowance for 22 weeks; half allowance for 22 weeks
  • 5 years or more - Full allowance for 26 weeks; half allowance for 26 weeks

Place of Work

Your place of work will be Bankhead Central, Bankhead Park, Glenrothes, KY7 6GH. A blended workstyle arrangement applies, allowing flexibility in working from home and working from base to meet the demands of the role.

Relocation Expenses

The Council can provide financial assistance up to a maximum of £5,000 if you are moving home in order to take up an appointment with the Council. Further details can be requested from Karen Rennie, HR Business Partner by emailing Karen.Rennie@fife.gov.uk

Whole-time Service

Chief Officers will be expected to devote their whole-time service to the work of the Council and shall not engage in any other business or take up any other appointment without the express consent of the Council.


Canvassing of members or officials, directly or indirectly, will be a disqualification for consideration for appointment.

Restrictions on Political Activity

This post is designated as politically restricted within the terms of Section 2 of the Local Government & Housing Act 1989.

The Local Government Officers’ (Political Restrictions) Regulations 1990 provide that your terms and conditions of employment be deemed to incorporate additional provisions set out in the Schedule to the Regulations. Copies are available from the Chief Legal Officer, Legal Services, Fife House, North Street, Glenrothes.

References to “the appointee” in the Schedule apply to you, and you are subject to the restrictions in parts I and II. Part III only applies to political assistants.

The principal effects of the restrictions are:

  1. If you wish to stand for election as an MP, European MP, MSP or Local Authority Councillor, you must resign from this post before your intention becomes public knowledge.
  2. You may not act as an election agent or sub-agent while holding the post.
  3. If you are a member of a political party, you must not hold any office or be a committee member if this would involve representing the party or local branch, or engaging in its general management.
  4. You may not canvass for any candidate or political party.
  5. You may not speak in public, give an interview or publish any written or artistic work which supports or opposes a particular political party or the point of view identifiable as the view of a particular political party (applies to all political parties within the European Community). However, this does not prevent you displaying an election poster or similar document, nor shall it prevent you carrying out the proper duties of your post.

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